Roller Derby

Roller Derby

Lesson 14

  • Unruly
  • Rival
  • Violent
  • Brutal
  • Opponent
  • Brawl
  • Duplicate
  • Vicious
  • Whirling
  • Underdog
  • Thrust
  • Bewildered

You got it! Here are explanations and examples for those words, focusing on their meanings and nuances:


Unruly means difficult to control or manage, disorderly or rebellious. It suggests a lack of discipline or a tendency to cause trouble.

  • The unruly crowd refused to disperse.
  • Her unruly hair defied all attempts to tame it.
  • Unruly behavior can be disruptive and challenging.


A rival is a person or thing that is competing with another for the same thing, a competitor or an adversary.

  • The two companies were rivals for market share.
  • He had a fierce rivalry with his brother for their father’s attention.
  • Rivals often strive to outperform or outmaneuver each other.


Violent means characterized by physical force, aggression, or destructiveness. It suggests a strong and often harmful use of force.

  • The city was plagued by violent crime.
  • The storm was violent, with high winds and heavy rain.
  • Violence can be a symptom of conflict, anger, or a lack of control.


Brutal means cruel, savage, or merciless. It suggests a lack of compassion or sensitivity, often involving physical harm.

  • The dictator ruled with a brutal hand.
  • The movie depicted the brutal realities of war.
  • Brutal behavior is often considered inhumane and reprehensible.


An opponent is a person or thing that is competing against another in a contest or game, an adversary or an enemy.

  • The chess player defeated his opponent.
  • The politician faced fierce opposition from her rivals.
  • Opponents often have different perspectives or goals, leading to conflict or competition.


A brawl is a noisy, rough fight, a physical altercation involving several people.

  • A brawl broke out in the bar.
  • The two teams got into a brawl after the game.
  • Brawls are often fueled by anger, rivalry, or intoxication.


To duplicate means to make an exact copy of something, to reproduce something identically.

  • She duplicated the document for the meeting.
  • The artist duplicated the famous painting.
  • Duplicates are often used for making copies, backups, or replicating items.


Vicious means cruel, aggressive, or dangerous. It suggests a malicious intent to harm or injure.

  • The dog was vicious and attacked the mailman.
  • The rumors were vicious, spreading lies and slander.
  • Vicious behavior can be harmful, destructive, and often unjustified.


Whirling means spinning rapidly, rotating quickly. It suggests a circular motion or a sense of motion and energy.

  • The dancer whirled across the stage.
  • The wind caused the leaves to whirl through the air.
  • Whirling can be a graceful or powerful movement.


An underdog is a person or team that is expected to lose a contest or competition, someone who is considered less likely to succeed.

  • The underdog team pulled off an upset victory.
  • She was the underdog in the race, but she surprised everyone with her performance.
  • Underdogs often face greater challenges but can inspire hope and admiration.


To thrust means to push or shove something forcefully, to move something suddenly or forcefully.

  • He thrust the sword into the enemy’s chest.
  • She thrust her hands into her pockets.
  • Thrusting can be a forceful action, often involving power, aggression, or urgency.


Bewildered means confused, puzzled, or disoriented. It suggests a state of uncertainty or lack of understanding.

  • He was bewildered by the complicated instructions.
  • She felt bewildered by the sudden change of plans.
  • Bewilderment can be a frustrating or even frightening experience.


  • Unruly: Nakal, susah diatur, tidak terkendali
  • Rival: Saingan, pesaing, lawan
  • Violent: Kekerasan, kasar, kejam
  • Brutal: Kejam, biadab, kasar
  • Opponent: Lawan, musuh, penentang
  • Brawl: Keributan, perkelahian, tawuran
  • Duplicate: Menyalin, menggandakan, meniru
  • Vicious: Kejam, ganas, jahat
  • Whirling: Berputar, berpusing, bergerak cepat
  • Underdog: Kuda hitam, tim lemah, pihak yang kurang diunggulkan
  • Thrust: Dorongan, tekanan, tusukan
  • Bewildered: Bingung, kebingungan, tidak mengerti.

The most unruly game known to men or women is the Roller Derby. Revived every so often on television, it has no rival for violent, brutal action. The game commences with two teams on roller skates circling a banked, oval track. Then, one or two skaters try to break out of the pack and “lap” the opponents. When the skater leaves the pack, the brawl begins. No sport can duplicate the vicious shrieking, pushing, elbowing, and fighting, all at high speed while the skaters are whirling around the track. And women are just as much of a menace as men. Often considered the underdog, the female skater can thrust a pointed fingernail into the face of a bewildered enemy.

The Unruly Duplicate

Unruly and rival were the two words that best described Jake and his violent clone. They had been created by a secret experiment gone wrong, and now they hated each other with a brutal passion. They were always looking for a chance to fight, to prove who was the better version of themselves. One day, they met in an abandoned warehouse, where they decided to settle their score once and for all. It was a brawl like no other, with fists, kicks, and weapons flying in every direction. Jake was the underdog, weaker and slower than his duplicate, but he had something his enemy lacked: a heart. He fought with courage and determination, not giving up even when he was wounded and bleeding. He managed to land a few good hits on his vicious opponent, who became more enraged and reckless with every blow. Jake saw an opening and thrust his knife into his clone’s chest, hoping to end the fight. But to his horror, he realized that his clone had done the same thing to him. They both collapsed on the floor, bewildered by their fate. They looked into each other’s eyes, and for the first time, they felt a connection. They realized that they were not enemies, but brothers. They had wasted their lives fighting each other when they could have been friends. They smiled weakly and whispered “I’m sorry” before closing their eyes forever.

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