Roots of Action I

Roots of Action I


  • Component: komponen atau bagian-bagian yang membentuk suatu keseluruhan atau sistem
  • Compose: menyusun atau menggabungkan bagian-bagian menjadi keseluruhan yang utuh
  • Dispose: membuang atau menyingkirkan sesuatu
  • Expose: mengekspos atau memperlihatkan sesuatu
  • Impose: memaksa atau memberlakukan sesuatu pada orang lain
  • Interpose: menyelipkan atau memasukkan sesuatu di antara dua hal lainnya
  • Juxtapose: menempatkan dua hal atau ide yang berbeda secara berdampingan untuk membandingkannya
  • Oppose: menentang atau melawan sesuatu
  • Position: posisi atau tempat di mana sesuatu ditempatkan atau diletakkan
  • Postpone: menunda atau menunda sesuatu untuk waktu yang lebih lama
  • Propose: mengusulkan atau menawarkan ide atau rencana kepada orang lain untuk dipertimbangkan.

Here are the explanations for each of the words

  1. Component: A component refers to a part or element that makes up a larger whole. It is a fundamental piece that contributes to the overall structure or function of something.
  2. Compose: To compose means to create or put together by combining different elements or parts. It can refer to creating a piece of music, writing a poem or essay, or even arranging objects in a specific way.
  3. Dispose: Dispose means to get rid of or throw away something. It can also refer to arranging or organizing things in a particular manner.
  4. Expose: Expose means to make something visible or known, often by revealing it to others. It can also refer to subjecting something or someone to a particular situation or condition.
  5. Impose: Impose means to establish or enforce something, often by authority or force. It can also refer to placing a burden or obligation on someone.
  6. Interpose: Interpose means to insert or place something between two or more things. It can also refer to intervening or interrupting a conversation or situation.
  7. Juxtapose: Juxtapose means to place two or more things side by side in order to compare or contrast them. It is often used to create a visual or conceptual impact.
  8. Oppose: Oppose means to be against or resist something or someone. It can also refer to expressing disagreement or taking a contrary position.
  9. Position: Position refers to the location, placement, or arrangement of something. It can also refer to a particular stance, viewpoint, or role in a situation.
  10. Postpone: Postpone means to delay or reschedule an event, task, or plan to a later time or date. It involves putting something off until a later moment.
  11. Propose: Propose means to suggest or put forward an idea, plan, or intention. It can also refer to making a formal offer of marriage.

I hope these explanations help clarify the meanings of these words for you!

The Missing Component

Once upon a time, there was a young composer named Alex. He was known for his ability to compose beautiful music that touched the hearts of many. One day, he was asked to compose a piece for a prestigious orchestra, but he was missing a crucial component to complete the piece.

Desperate to find the missing component, Alex searched high and low until he stumbled upon a dusty old book in a library. The book contained the secret to finding the missing component, but it required him to dispose of his ego and expose his vulnerabilities.

With newfound determination, Alex imposed a strict schedule on himself to complete the piece in time for the orchestra’s performance. However, he faced opposition from his peers who believed that his music was too unconventional.

Undeterred, Alex interposed his own ideas into the piece, juxtaposing different styles of music to create a unique sound that was both modern and classical. He positioned the missing component in the middle of the piece, creating a climax that left the audience in awe.

Despite facing many challenges, Alex refused to postpone the performance and proposed his masterpiece to the orchestra. The performance was a huge success, and Alex’s music was praised for its innovation and creativity. From that day on, Alex became known as one of the greatest composers of his time.


  • Appendix: lampiran atau bagian tambahan pada sebuah dokumen atau buku
  • Depend: tergantung atau bergantung pada seseorang atau sesuatu untuk keberlangsungan hidup atau kesuksesan
  • Spend: menghabiskan atau menggunakan uang atau waktu untuk melakukan sesuatu
  • Dependent: bergantung pada seseorang atau sesuatu untuk keberlangsungan hidup atau kesuksesan
  • Expend: mengeluarkan atau menggunakan uang atau sumber daya lainnya untuk melakukan sesuatu
  • Interdependent: saling tergantung satu sama lain atau membutuhkan satu sama lain untuk keberlangsungan hidup atau kesuksesan
  • Pendant: liontin atau hiasan yang digantungkan pada sebuah kalung
  • Pending: tertunda atau menunggu keputusan atau tindakan selanjutnya
  • Pensive: termenung atau dalam keadaan merenung
  • Ponder: merenungkan atau memikirkan dengan cermat
  • Suspend: menunda atau menghentikan sementara sesuatu sampai waktu atau keputusan selanjutnya.

The Interdependent Pendant

Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Sarah who had always been pensive about her health. She had been experiencing pain in her abdomen for weeks, but she was too afraid to go to the doctor. However, the pain became so unbearable that she had no choice but to seek medical attention.

After a series of tests, the doctor discovered that Sarah had an inflamed appendix that needed to be removed. The surgery was expensive, and Sarah was worried about how she would be able to spend the money. She was dependent on her job, which didn’t pay much, and she had no savings to fall back on.

However, Sarah’s friends and family were interdependent on each other, and they came together to help her. They offered to lend her money and suspend her bills until she was back on her feet. Sarah was overwhelmed by their kindness and felt like a pendant, hanging on their support.

As she recovered from the surgery, Sarah spent a lot of time pondering about her life. She realized that she had been taking her health for granted and that she needed to take better care of herself. She also realized that she couldn’t depend on others to take care of her finances and that she needed to be more responsible with her money.

With a newfound sense of responsibility, Sarah decided to make some changes in her life. She started to expend her time and energy on things that mattered to her, like her health and her career. She also made a pending appointment with a financial advisor to help her manage her money better.

In the end, Sarah learned that being dependent on others was not a weakness, but a strength. She realized that she was not alone and that she had a support system that she could always count on. And with their help, she was able to overcome her challenges and come out stronger on the other side.


  • Circumstance: keadaan atau situasi yang mempengaruhi atau membatasi suatu tindakan atau keputusan
  • Consist: terdiri atau terbuat dari
  • Constitute: membentuk atau menyusun suatu keseluruhan
  • Institute: menginisiasi atau memulai suatu kebijakan, program, atau lembaga
  • Obstacle: hambatan atau rintangan yang menghalangi kemajuan atau keberhasilan
  • Persist: bertahan atau terus melakukan sesuatu meskipun ada hambatan atau kesulitan
  • Resist: menolak atau melawan sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan atau merugikan
  • Statue: patung atau karya seni yang dibuat dari bahan seperti batu, kayu, atau logam
  • Status: status atau kedudukan sosial, ekonomi, atau hukum seseorang dalam masyarakat
  • Substitute: pengganti atau orang atau benda yang menggantikan orang atau benda lainnya
  • Superstition: kesukuan atau kepercayaan yang tidak rasional atau tidak berdasar pada fakta atau ilmu pengetahuan.

The Constituent Statue

In a small village, there was a statue of a famous warrior that had been there for centuries. The statue was a symbol of the village’s status and was believed to bring good fortune to the people. However, there was a superstition that if the statue was ever moved, it would bring bad luck to the village.

One day, a group of archaeologists came to the village to study the statue. They wanted to institute a plan to move the statue to a museum where it could be better preserved. However, the villagers were resistant to the idea, believing that it would bring bad circumstances to their village.

Despite the obstacle of the villagers’ superstitions, the archaeologists persisted in their efforts to move the statue. They believed that it was important to study the statue to understand the history and culture of the village.

As they studied the statue, they discovered that it was made up of several different materials that constituted its structure. They realized that the statue was not just a symbol of the village’s status, but it also consisted of the stories and traditions of the people who had lived there for generations.

Finally, the archaeologists found a substitute for the statue, a replica that could be placed in the museum. They carefully moved the statue, taking every precaution to avoid any damage. The villagers watched in awe as the statue was lifted from its pedestal and transported to the museum.

To their surprise, the village did not experience any bad luck. Instead, they realized that the statue was not just a physical object, but it was a representation of their history and culture. And even though the statue was no longer in the village, its stories and traditions persisted in the hearts and minds of the people.


  • Construct: membangun atau membuat sesuatu dari bahan atau bagian-bagian yang tersedia
  • Constructive: konstruktif atau bersifat membantu atau membangun
  • Construction: konstruksi atau proses membangun atau membuat sesuatu
  • Destroy: menghancurkan atau merusak sesuatu
  • Destruction: destruksi atau kehancuran atau kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh perbuatan manusia atau alam
  • Industry: industri atau kegiatan ekonomi yang melibatkan produksi atau manufaktur barang atau jasa
  • Instruction: instruksi atau panduan atau petunjuk tentang cara melakukan sesuatu
  • Misconstrue: salah mengartikan atau menafsirkan sesuatu
  • Obstruct: menghalangi atau menghambat kemajuan atau keberhasilan
  • Reconstruct: merekonstruksi atau membangun kembali sesuatu yang telah hancur atau rusak
  • Structure: struktur atau kerangka atau susunan yang terdiri dari bagian-bagian yang saling terkait
  • Superstructure: superstruktur atau bagian atas dari sebuah bangunan atau struktur
  • Substructure: substruktur atau bagian bawah dari sebuah bangunan atau struktur
  • Upper structure: bagian atas dari sebuah bangunan atau struktur
  • Lower structure: bagian bawah dari sebuah bangunan atau struktur.

The Reconstructed Structure

In the heart of the city, there was a massive construction project underway. The industry was booming, and the city was growing rapidly. However, there were some who misconstrued the project as a threat to the environment and the community.

Despite the misconceptions, the construction company was determined to build a structure that would be both constructive and beneficial to the city. They followed all the instructions and regulations to ensure that the project was safe and sustainable.

However, there were some who tried to obstruct the project, claiming that it would destroy the natural beauty of the area. They organized protests and tried to halt the construction, but the company remained steadfast in their mission.

As the project progressed, the company discovered that the substructure of the building was not strong enough to support the upper structure. They realized that they needed to reconstruct the foundation to ensure the safety of the building.

The company worked tirelessly to reconstruct the substructure, taking every precaution to avoid any destruction to the surrounding area. They carefully dismantled the lower structure and rebuilt it from the ground up.

Finally, the building was complete, and it was a masterpiece of modern construction. The upper structure was a sight to behold, and it stood tall and proud in the heart of the city. The company had succeeded in building a structure that was both constructive and sustainable.

In the end, the project proved to be a success, and the community embraced the new building. The company had shown that with careful planning and construction, it was possible to build something that was both beautiful and beneficial to the community.


  • Claustrophobia: claustrophobia atau ketakutan atau kecemasan yang berlebihan terhadap ruang tertutup atau sempit
  • Close: menutup atau membatasi akses ke suatu tempat atau benda
  • Closet: lemari atau ruangan kecil untuk menyimpan pakaian atau barang-barang lainnya
  • Conclude: menyimpulkan atau mengakhiri atau menyelesaikan sesuatu
  • Disclose: mengungkapkan atau memberitahukan sesuatu yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui atau disembunyikan
  • Enclose: menyertakan atau memasukkan ke dalam suatu wadah atau ruang tertutup
  • Exclude: mengecualikan atau tidak termasuk atau tidak diikutsertakan
  • Include: mencakup atau termasuk atau diikutsertakan
  • Preclude: mencegah atau menghalangi sesuatu dari terjadi atau terlaksana
  • Recluse: orang yang hidup menyendiri atau menjauhkan diri dari masyarakat
  • Seclude: menyendiri atau menjauhkan diri dari masyarakat atau orang lain.

The Inclusive Meeting

Lena had always suffered from claustrophobia, the fear of enclosed spaces. She couldn’t stand being in a small room or a crowded elevator. Her fear was so intense that she had become somewhat of a recluse, avoiding social situations that might include being in close quarters with others.

One day, Lena’s boss asked her to attend an important meeting in a small conference room. Lena was hesitant, but she knew that she couldn’t exclude herself from the meeting. She decided to face her fear and attend the meeting.

As soon as Lena entered the conference room, she felt her anxiety rising. The room was small and enclosed, and there were already several people inside. Lena tried to calm herself down, but her fear was too intense.

Suddenly, one of her colleagues noticed that Lena was struggling and suggested that they move the meeting to a larger room. Lena was relieved and grateful that her colleague had included her in the decision to move the meeting.

In the larger room, Lena felt more comfortable and was able to participate in the meeting without any problems. She was grateful that her colleagues had taken her fear into consideration and had concluded that it was best to move the meeting to a more comfortable space.

After the meeting, Lena decided to disclose her fear to her colleagues. She was surprised to find out that several of them also suffered from claustrophobia. They shared their experiences and offered support to each other.

From that day on, Lena’s colleagues made sure to enclose her in their decisions and always included her in meetings that were held in larger spaces. Lena felt grateful and included, and she knew that she could always count on her colleagues to preclude any situation that might trigger her fear.

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