Roots of Life Processes II

Roots of Life Processes II

There are a variety of roots in this unit, but all of them are related to some important aspect of human life. Some roots are connected to our physical life (heart and body), while others refer to our mental life (feelings and emotions).


  • accord
  • concord
  • cardiac
  • core
  • courage
  • discouragement
  • encouragement

Here are explanations and examples for those words, focusing on their meanings and nuances, especially considering their association with agreement, heart, and motivation:


Accord means agreement or harmony, a state of mutual understanding and cooperation. It suggests a sense of unity and shared purpose.

  • The two countries reached an accord on trade.
  • The group worked in accord to complete the task.
  • The resolution was passed by common accord.


Concord means agreement, harmony, or peace, a state of peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding. It suggests a sense of unity and a lack of conflict.

  • The two nations lived in concord for many years.
  • The family celebrated the occasion in concord.
  • The concord between the two parties was a sign of progress.


Cardiac means relating to the heart, associated with the heart or its functions.

  • He suffered a cardiac arrest.
  • The doctor performed cardiac surgery.
  • The patient was diagnosed with cardiac disease.


The core is the central or most important part of something, the essential or fundamental element. It suggests the heart or essence of something.

  • The core of the problem was lack of communication.
  • The core values of the company were honesty and integrity.
  • The core of the apple is in the center.


Courage is the ability to face danger, difficulty, or pain without fear, a quality of bravery and fortitude. It suggests a strength of character and a willingness to confront adversity.

  • He showed great courage in the face of danger.
  • She needed courage to speak out against injustice.
  • It takes courage to follow your dreams.


Discouragement is the feeling of being disheartened or losing hope, a lack of confidence or motivation.

  • He felt discouragement after failing his exam.
  • The team was suffering from discouragement after a string of losses.
  • Discouragement can lead to giving up on your goals.


Encouragement is the act of giving someone support or confidence, words or actions that inspire hope or motivation.

  • Her teacher gave her encouragement to keep trying.
  • The coach provided encouragement to his team.
  • Encouragement can make a big difference in someone’s life.

The Heart of Harmony

In the peaceful village of Concord, lived a young doctor named Mira. She was admired for her expertise in cardiac care and her unyielding courage in the face of adversity. Mira’s journey to becoming a doctor was filled with moments of discouragement, yet her resolve remained steadfast thanks to the constant encouragement from her mentor, Dr. Li.

Dr. Li had taught Mira that at the core of every successful healer lies a heart full of compassion and determination. He often reminded her that true healing comes from working in accord with the patient’s needs and the body’s natural rhythm. Inspired by his words, Mira always approached her patients with empathy and understanding.

One day, a critical case arrived at the clinic—a young boy named Sam with a severe cardiac condition. The village rallied in concord, offering their support and prayers for his recovery. Despite the complexity of the situation, Mira faced it with courage, determined to do everything in her power to save him.

Through meticulous care and the latest medical techniques, Mira managed to stabilize Sam’s condition. However, the path to full recovery was long, and there were times when discouragement threatened to overwhelm her. In those moments, she remembered Dr. Li’s teachings and the unwavering encouragement she had received over the years.

Slowly but surely, Sam’s health improved. His recovery became a symbol of hope for the entire village, demonstrating that with courage and concord, even the most daunting challenges could be overcome. Mira’s dedication to her patients and her ability to work in accord with the natural flow of life had made a profound impact.

In the end, Mira realized that at the core of her practice was not just medical knowledge, but the heart and encouragement that connected her to her community. Her story became an enduring legacy in the village of Concord, a testament to the power of compassion and unity.


  • Accord: kesepakatan atau perjanjian
  • Concord: kesepakatan atau persetujuan
  • Cardiac: kardiak atau berkaitan dengan jantung
  • Core: inti atau pusat dari sesuatu
  • Courage: keberanian atau keteguhan hati dalam menghadapi ketakutan atau bahaya
  • Discouragement: rasa putus asa atau kekecewaan yang mendalam
  • Encouragement: dorongan atau dukungan untuk memotivasi atau membangkitkan semangat.


  • corporal
  • corporation
  • corps
  • corpse
  • corpulent
  • corpus
  • corpuscle
  • corset
  • incorporate
  • incorporeal

The Mystery of the Forgotten Manuscript

In the heart of an ancient city, Detective Daphne was called to solve a perplexing case. A prominent figure from a powerful corporation had been found dead, and the circumstances were shrouded in mystery. The corpse was discovered in a dimly lit library, surrounded by old books and artifacts.

Daphne, known for her keen intellect and attention to detail, arrived at the scene. The victim, a corpulent man, lay slumped over a desk with a strange expression frozen on his face. As she examined the body, she noticed an old corset among the scattered belongings, a curious relic from a bygone era.

The victim had been part of a secretive group known as the Historical Corps, an organization dedicated to uncovering and preserving ancient texts. Among the clutter, Daphne found a dusty corpus of writings that seemed to hold the key to the mystery. The pages were filled with references to corporal punishment and incorporeal spirits, hinting at dark rituals and hidden secrets.

Intrigued, Daphne delved deeper into the manuscripts. She found mentions of a mystical corpuscle, a tiny element believed to incorporate the essence of life itself. According to the texts, this corpuscle could be manipulated through arcane means, and it was linked to the victim’s death.

As she pieced together the clues, Daphne realized that the Historical Corps had been experimenting with the ancient knowledge contained in the corpus. They had attempted to summon an incorporeal entity, but something had gone terribly wrong. The victim had become a corpse in the process, his life force drained by the very thing they sought to control.

With this revelation, Daphne confronted the remaining members of the Historical Corps. They confessed to their forbidden experiments and the tragic outcome. The powerful corporation they belonged to had hoped to harness the secrets of the past for profit, but their greed had led to disaster.

In the end, Daphne‘s investigation brought the truth to light, and the sinister practices of the Historical Corps were exposed. The forgotten manuscript was returned to its rightful place, and the ancient knowledge it contained was once again hidden away, a reminder of the dangers of tampering with forces beyond comprehension.


  • Corporal: korporeal atau berkaitan dengan tubuh manusia
  • Corporation: korporasi atau badan hukum yang terdiri dari beberapa orang atau perusahaan
  • Corps: korps atau kelompok orang yang terlatih untuk melakukan tugas tertentu, seperti militer atau pemadam kebakaran
  • Corpse: mayat atau jasad manusia atau hewan yang telah meninggal
  • Corpulent: gemuk atau obesitas atau kelebihan berat badan
  • Corpus: korpus atau kumpulan tulisan atau dokumen tertentu
  • Corpuscle: korpuskel atau sel kecil dalam tubuh, seperti sel darah merah atau putih
  • Corset: korset atau pakaian dalam yang membentuk pinggang dan dada
  • Incorporate: menggabungkan atau memasukkan suatu hal ke dalam suatu kesatuan yang lebih besar
  • Incorporeal: tak berwujud atau tidak berbentuk fisik.


  • assent
  • consent
  • dissent
  • presentiment
  • sense
  • sensual
  • sentient
  • sentiments
  • sentry

Here are explanations and examples for those words, focusing on their meanings and nuances, especially considering their association with agreement, feeling, and awareness:


Assent means agreement or approval, a formal expression of consent or acceptance. It suggests a willingness to agree to something or a formal acceptance of a proposal.

  • The committee gave its assent to the project.
  • The king gave his assent to the new law.
  • The audience expressed their assent with applause.


Consent means permission or agreement, a voluntary acceptance of something. It suggests a willingness to allow or permit something.

  • She gave her consent to the marriage.
  • The patient gave informed consent to the treatment.
  • The company needs to obtain the consent of its customers before using their personal data.


Dissent means disagreement or disapproval, a difference of opinion or a refusal to agree. It suggests a divergence of views or a rejection of a proposal.

  • There was dissent among the members of the group.
  • The judge issued a dissenting opinion.
  • The country was divided by dissent over the war.


A presentiment is a feeling that something is going to happen, an intuition or premonition. It suggests a sense of foreboding or a feeling of anticipation.

  • She had a presentiment that something bad was going to happen.
  • He felt a presentiment of danger as he approached the dark alley.
  • The presentiment of war weighed heavily on the people.


Sense refers to a feeling or awareness of something, a perception or understanding.

  • He had a sense of déjà vu.
  • She has a good sense of humor.
  • The dog had a keen sense of smell.


Sensual means relating to the senses or physical pleasure, characterized by physical enjoyment and delight.

  • The restaurant offered a sensual dining experience.
  • The music was both emotional and sensual.
  • The spa treatment was designed to be sensual and relaxing.


Sentient means conscious or aware, having the ability to feel or perceive. It suggests a capacity for feeling or experiencing.

  • Humans are sentient beings.
  • The animal seemed sentient as it looked at its refection.
  • Artificial intelligence is still far from being sentient.


Sentiments are feelings or opinions, thoughts and emotions.

  • She expressed her sentiments in a letter.
  • The speech was filled with patriotic sentiments.
  • He tried to conceal his true sentiments.


A sentry is a guard or lookout, a person who keeps watch or stands guard.

  • The sentry stood guard at the gate.
  • The soldier was assigned sentry duty.
  • The sentry challenged the intruder.


The Sentient Sentry

In the ancient kingdom of Sentia, a land known for its deep connection to nature, a peculiar sentry stood guard at the entrance of the royal palace. This sentry was no ordinary guardian; it possessed a heightened sense of awareness and a profound connection to the world around it.

The sentry, named Seraph, had a unique ability to sense the emotions and sentiments of those who approached. It could discern the assent or dissent within their hearts, understanding their true intentions with uncanny accuracy. Seraph’s presence evoked a sense of awe and respect among the kingdom’s inhabitants.

One day, a traveler arrived at the palace gates seeking an audience with the king. As the traveler approached, Seraph’s senses tingled with a presentiment, a foreboding feeling that something was amiss. The traveler’s intentions were unclear, and Seraph’s heightened awareness alerted the royal court.

The king, aware of Seraph’s extraordinary abilities, sought its counsel before granting an audience. Seraph, sensing a dissent within its own instincts, advised caution. The traveler’s sentiments did not align with the harmony of the kingdom, raising concerns about potential harm.

The king, trusting in Seraph’s sentient intuition, decided to withhold consent for the audience. The kingdom’s safety and well-being were of utmost importance, and the king could not risk compromising the peace that had been carefully cultivated.

As time passed, Seraph’s role as the sentient sentry became even more vital. It served as a guardian not only against physical threats but also against the discordant energies that could disrupt the harmony of the kingdom. Its presence brought a sense of calm and reassurance to the people, knowing that their well-being was protected.

The kingdom of Sentia thrived under the watchful guidance of Seraph. Its heightened senses allowed it to sense the subtle shifts in the environment and respond accordingly. Seraph’s connection to the natural world was sensual, as it could feel the gentle caress of the wind and the vibrant energy of the earth.

The kingdom’s inhabitants respected and revered Seraph, recognizing its unique ability to perceive the sentiments and emotions that lay beneath the surface. Seraph’s presence reminded them of the importance of listening to their own inner senses and honoring the interconnectedness of all living beings.

“The Sentient Sentry” became a symbol of wisdom and intuition, reminding the people of Sentia to trust in their own instincts and to approach life with a sense of awareness and mindfulness. Seraph’s role as the guardian of the kingdom’s harmony served as a reminder that true power lies not only in physical strength but also in the ability to sense and respond to the subtle energies that shape our world.

Source: The Sentient Sentry

  • Assent: persetujuan atau izin yang diberikan secara sukarela
  • Consent: persetujuan atau izin yang diberikan secara sukarela, terutama dalam hal yang berkaitan dengan tindakan atau keputusan penting
  • Dissent: ketidaksetujuan atau perbedaan pendapat
  • Presentiment: firasat atau perasaan yang kuat bahwa sesuatu akan terjadi
  • Sense: indera atau kemampuan untuk merasakan atau memahami sesuatu melalui panca indera atau pikiran
  • Sensual: sensual atau berkaitan dengan keinginan atau kesenangan fisik
  • Sentient: sadar atau memiliki kemampuan untuk merasakan atau merespons lingkungan sekitar
  • Sentiments: perasaan atau opini yang dinyatakan atau diungkapkan
  • Sentry: penjaga atau orang yang bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga atau mengawasi suatu area atau bangunan.


  • antipathy
  • apathetic
  • compatible
  • empathetic
  • passion
  • pathogenic
  • pathetic
  • pathology
  • patient
  • psychopath
  • sympathetic

Here are explanations and examples for those words, focusing on their meanings and nuances, especially considering their association with feelings, emotions, and psychological states:


Antipathy means a strong feeling of dislike or aversion, a deep-seated hostility or repugnance. It suggests a strong negative feeling towards someone or something.

  • He had a strong antipathy towards spiders.
  • The political parties had a deep antipathy towards each other.
  • Her antipathy towards violence was evident in her actions.


Apathetic means showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern. It suggests a lack of emotional engagement or responsiveness.

  • The students were apathetic about the lecture.
  • She was apathetic towards politics.
  • He seemed apathetic about his own well-being.


Compatible means able to exist or work together without problems or conflict, well-suited or harmonious. It suggests a sense of harmony and suitability.

  • The two friends were very compatible.
  • The software is compatible with the operating system.
  • They have compatible goals and values.


Empathetic means having or showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It suggests a capacity for understanding and relating to the emotions of others.

  • She was an empathetic listener.
  • He tried to be empathetic towards her loss.
  • Empathy is essential for building strong relationships.


Passion is a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something, a driving force or intense emotion.

  • He had a passion for music.
  • She was driven by a passion for justice.
  • Passion can be both inspiring and destructive.


Pathogenic means causing or capable of causing disease, relating to the development of disease. It suggests a property or agent that can cause illness.

  • Bacteria are pathogenic organisms.
  • The pathogenic virus spread rapidly.
  • The pathogenic fungus infected the crop.


Pathetic means arousing pity or sympathy, sad or pitiful, unworthy of respect or admiration. It suggests a sense of sadness, weakness, or inadequacy.

  • The pathetic state of the abandoned building was a reminder of the town’s decline.
  • He made a pathetic attempt to apologize.
  • The animal was in a pathetic condition.


Pathology is the study of disease, the branch of medicine that deals with the causes, nature, and effects of disease.

  • The pathologist examined the tissue sample.
  • The pathology report revealed the cause of death.
  • Advances in pathology have led to better treatments for many diseases.


A patient is a person receiving medical care or treatment. It suggests a person who is under the care of a doctor or healthcare professional.

  • The doctor examined the patient.
  • The patient was discharged from the hospital.
  • The hospital was filled with patients.


A psychopath is a person with a personality disorder characterized by antisocial behavior, lack of empathy, and a disregard for the rights of others. It suggests a serious mental disorder that can lead to criminal or harmful behavior.

  • The psychopath was convicted of multiple crimes.
  • The character in the movie was a psychopath who took pleasure in causing harm.
  • The study examined the characteristics of psychopaths and the causes of their disorder.


Sympathetic means feeling or showing concern for someone who is suffering, compassionate or understanding. It suggests a kind and caring attitude towards others.

  • She was a sympathetic listener, offering comfort and support to those in need.
  • He felt sympathetic towards the homeless man, offering him a warm meal and a place to rest.
  • A sympathetic person is able to understand and relate to the emotions of others.


The Tale of Dr. Harper’s Healing Heart

In the bustling city of Mediville, Dr. Harper was a renowned pathologist known for her unwavering passion for understanding the complexities of diseases. Her office, filled with microscopes and slides, was a testament to her dedication to the field of pathology. Despite her success, she often felt a deep antipathy towards the cold, clinical environment of the hospital.

One day, a mysterious pathogenic outbreak began to spread through the city. Dr. Harper was called to lead the research team to identify the cause and find a cure. As she worked tirelessly in the lab, she noticed that some of her colleagues were apathetic, seemingly indifferent to the urgency of the situation. This lack of concern only fueled her determination.

Dr. Harper knew that finding a compatible team of researchers who shared her passion was crucial. Among the many professionals, she found Dr. Lin, who was not only skilled but also deeply empathetic towards the patient‘s suffering. Together, they formed a formidable team, their skills and compassion compatible in every way.

As they delved deeper into the research, they encountered Dr. Kline, a brilliant scientist with a psychopath‘s demeanor. His lack of empathy and ruthless approach to experiments made him a source of antipathy for the entire team. Despite his brilliance, his pathetic disregard for ethical considerations posed a constant challenge.

Dr. Harper’s sympathetic nature helped her connect with the patients, understanding their fears and providing comfort. She believed that being empathetic was just as important as being knowledgeable in the field of medicine. Her dedication and passion inspired her team to push forward, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Through relentless research and compassionate care, Dr. Harper and her team finally identified the pathogenic agent and developed an effective treatment. The patients’ health began to improve, and the outbreak was brought under control. The city’s gratitude was overwhelming, and Dr. Harper’s heart swelled with pride and relief.

The ordeal had taught Dr. Harper valuable lessons about the importance of empathy, compatibility, and the power of a united team. Her story became an inspiration for future generations of doctors, a reminder that sympathetic, empathetic care, combined with scientific rigor, could overcome even the most daunting challenges.

Source: The Paths of Empathy

  • Antipathy: ketidaksukaan atau perasaan tidak suka terhadap seseorang atau sesuatu
  • Apathetic: apatis atau tidak peduli atau tidak tertarik pada sesuatu
  • Compatible: cocok atau sesuai atau dapat bekerja sama dengan baik
  • Empathetic: empatik atau mampu memahami atau merasakan perasaan orang lain
  • Passion: hasrat atau kecintaan yang kuat terhadap sesuatu
  • Pathogenic: patogenik atau berkaitan dengan penyebab penyakit atau mikroorganisme yang menyebabkan penyakit
  • Pathetic: menyedihkan atau menyedihkan atau tidak memuaskan
  • Pathology: patologi atau studi tentang penyakit atau kelainan
  • Patient: pasien atau orang yang sedang dalam perawatan medis atau yang membutuhkan perawatan atau perhatian khusus
  • Psychopath: psikopat atau orang yang menderita gangguan mental yang menyebabkan perilaku antisosial atau kekerasan
  • Sympathetic: simpatik atau bersimpati atau merasa empati terhadap orang lain.

hum (a)

  • homage
  • homicide
  • homo sapiens
  • human
  • humane
  • inhuman
  • humanist
  • humanitarian
  • humanities
  • humanity
  • superhuman

Here are explanations and examples for those words, focusing on their meanings and nuances, especially considering their association with the human species, its nature, and its actions:


Homage is a special honor or respect shown publicly, a tribute or gesture of admiration. It suggests a formal expression of deep respect or reverence.

  • The artist paid homage to his influences in his work.
  • The ceremony was a homage to the fallen soldiers.
  • The new building was a homage to the city’s architectural heritage.


Homicide is the act of killing another human being. It suggests a deliberate act of taking a human life, and it can refer to both criminal and non-criminal acts.

  • The police investigated the homicide at the crime scene.
  • The accident was ruled a homicide after the investigation.
  • The homicide rate in the city has been rising.

Homo sapiens

Homo sapiens is the scientific name for the human species, the only surviving species of the genus Homo. It refers to us as a distinct biological group.

  • Homo sapiens evolved in Africa millions of years ago.
  • Homo sapiens is the most intelligent species on Earth.
  • The study of Homo sapiens has revealed much about our origins and evolution.


Human means belonging to or characteristic of the human species, a person or a being that is a member of the species Homo sapiens.

  • The human race has made great strides in science and technology.
  • The human body is a complex and wondrous machine.
  • Human rights are fundamental to a just and fair society.


Humane means having or showing compassion or kindness, characterized by compassion and a concern for the welfare of others.

  • It was a humane act to help the injured animal.
  • The treatment of prisoners should be humane.
  • She was a humane person who always put the needs of others first.


Inhuman means lacking in human qualities, cruel, barbaric, or unfeeling. It suggests a lack of compassion or a cruel and brutal nature.

  • The inhuman treatment of the prisoners was a crime against humanity.
  • The inhuman conditions in the refugee camp were a disgrace.
  • He was filled with inhuman rage.


A humanist is a person who believes that human beings are capable of reason and moral action, someone who emphasizes human values and concerns.

  • The humanist believed in the importance of education and critical thinking.
  • The humanist philosophy is based on the idea that human beings are inherently good and capable of great things.
  • The humanist movement has been influential in promoting peace, tolerance, and social justice.


Humanitarian means concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare, characterized by a desire to help others and improve the conditions of humanity.

  • The humanitarian organization provided aid to the victims of the disaster.
  • She was a humanitarian who dedicated her life to helping the poor and needy.
  • Humanitarian efforts are essential for addressing global issues such as poverty, disease, and conflict.


The humanities are the branches of knowledge that deal with human culture, the arts, literature, history, philosophy, and languages. It refers to the study of human thought, expression, and experience.

  • The humanities are essential for understanding the human condition and our place in the world.
  • A degree in the humanities can prepare you for a variety of careers, including teaching, writing, and research.
  • The humanities help us to develop critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills.


Humanity refers to the human race or the human species as a whole, the quality of being human, or compassion and kindness towards others.

  • Humanity is facing many challenges in the 21st century.
  • We must work together to protect humanity from the dangers of climate change.
  • The act of helping others in need is a testament to humanity.


Superhuman means beyond the capabilities of ordinary humans, extraordinary or exceptional. It suggests a power or ability that exceeds normal human limitations.

  • The athlete performed with superhuman strength.
  • The hero possesses superhuman powers.
  • The task seemed superhuman but they succeeded through hard work and determination.


The Dual Nature of Humanity

In the bustling city of Veritas, Dr. Lila Graves was a renowned professor of the humanities, teaching her students about the complexities of homo sapiens and their societal evolution. She always paid homage to the great humanist thinkers who had shaped her field, inspiring others with their commitment to understanding the human condition.

One evening, a tragic event shook the city—a mysterious homicide that left the community in shock. Dr. Graves found herself drawn into the investigation, not as a detective, but as a scholar seeking to understand the inhuman nature of the crime. The act seemed devoid of any humane consideration, challenging her belief in the fundamental goodness of humanity.

As she delved deeper into the case, she encountered several humanitarian workers who were tirelessly helping the victim’s family cope with their loss. Their selfless actions reminded Dr. Graves of the superhuman capacity for compassion that some individuals possess, even in the face of overwhelming tragedy.

Throughout her journey, Dr. Graves reflected on the dual nature of homo sapiens—the potential for both cruelty and kindness. She engaged with her students, encouraging them to explore the delicate balance between the humane and the inhuman aspects of their nature. She emphasized the importance of the humanities in fostering empathy and understanding, shaping a society that values both intellect and compassion.

In the end, the case was solved, bringing a sense of closure to the city. Dr. Graves continued to teach, forever changed by the experience. She instilled in her students a deeper appreciation for humanist values and the crucial role of humanitarian efforts in maintaining the delicate fabric of humanity.

Through her work, Dr. Graves honored the legacy of those who had come before her, paying homage to the enduring quest to understand what it truly means to be human.


Source: The Essence of Humanity

  • Homage: penghormatan atau penghargaan yang diberikan kepada seseorang atau sesuatu
  • Homicide: pembunuhan atau tindakan membunuh seseorang
  • Homo sapiens: manusia modern atau spesies manusia yang paling maju secara evolusi
  • Human: manusia atau makhluk hidup yang memiliki rasionalitas dan kemampuan berpikir
  • Humane: manusiawi atau berperilaku baik terhadap orang lain atau hewan
  • Inhuman: tidak manusiawi atau tidak memiliki perasaan atau empati terhadap orang lain atau hewan
  • Humanist: humanis atau seseorang yang mempromosikan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan martabat manusia
  • Humanitarian: kemanusiaan atau berkaitan dengan upaya membantu orang yang membutuhkan atau yang terkena bencana atau konflik
  • Humanities: humaniora atau bidang studi yang berfokus pada kajian tentang budaya, sejarah, bahasa, dan sastra manusia
  • Humanity: kemanusiaan atau kualitas atau sifat yang membuat seseorang manusia
  • Superhuman: super manusia atau memiliki kemampuan atau kekuatan yang melebihi kemampuan manusia biasa.

hum (b)

  • exhume
  • humus
  • inhume
  • posthumously

“The Secrets of the Earth”

In a quiet cemetery nestled among towering trees, a group of archaeologists embarked on an extraordinary journey to unearth the secrets hidden beneath the layers of humus. Their mission was to exhume the past, revealing the stories of those who had long been laid to rest.

With careful precision, the archaeologists delicately removed the layers of soil, unearthing artifacts and remains that had been inhumed for centuries. Each discovery held a piece of history, a glimpse into the lives of those who had come before.

As they meticulously cataloged their findings, the archaeologists pieced together the puzzle of the past. They discovered the stories of individuals who had shaped the world in their own unique ways. Their work was not just an exploration of the physical artifacts, but also a tribute to the lives that had been lived.

One particular discovery fascinated the team. They unearthed a tombstone belonging to a renowned writer who had been inhumed many years ago. The writer’s works had resonated with readers during their lifetime, but their impact had only grown posthumously. The words they had penned had touched countless lives, leaving an indelible mark on the literary world.

In honoring the writer’s legacy, the archaeologists delved deeper into their works, seeking to understand the essence of their genius. They realized that the writer’s words had transcended time, resonating with generations long after their passing. The writer’s influence had only grown stronger, their impact continuing to shape the literary landscape.

As the archaeologists continued their work, they recognized the importance of preserving and sharing the stories of those who had come before. They understood that the past held valuable lessons and insights that could guide the present and shape the future. Their work became a testament to the power of history and the significance of honoring those who had gone before us.

“The Secrets of the Earth” became a story of exploration, discovery, and remembrance. It served as a reminder that the past holds treasures waiting to be unearthed, and that the legacies of individuals can continue to inspire and influence long after they have been inhumed. The work of the archaeologists became a tribute to the richness of human history and the power of storytelling.

Source: The Secrets of the Earth

  • Exhume: menggali kembali atau mengeluarkan jasad dari kubur untuk tujuan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut
  • Humus: humus atau lapisan tanah yang terdiri dari bahan organik yang terdekomposisi, seperti daun dan ranting, yang memberikan nutrisi bagi tanaman
  • Inhume: mengubur atau menanamkan jasad seseorang atau hewan ke dalam tanah
  • Posthumously: secara anumerta atau setelah kematian seseorang, terutama dalam hal penghargaan atau pengakuan.

hum (c)

  • humble
  • humiliation
  • humility


Humble means modest or unpretentious, not proud or arrogant, lowly or unassuming. It suggests a lack of self-importance and a willingness to acknowledge one’s limitations.

  • She was a humble person who never bragged about her achievements.
  • The company had humble beginnings, starting in a small garage.
  • He accepted his mistakes with humility.


Humiliation is a feeling of shame, disgrace, or loss of dignity. It suggests a painful experience of being publicly shamed or belittled.

  • He felt humiliation after being fired from his job.
  • The athlete endured humiliation after losing the championship.
  • The humiliation of being rejected can be a difficult experience to overcome.


Humility is the quality of being humble, a modest or low view of one’s own importance. It suggests a sense of self-awareness and a willingness to acknowledge one’s limitations.

  • He showed humility by accepting responsibility for his mistakes.
  • Humility is a virtue that is often overlooked in our society.
  • She approached her new position with humility, knowing that she had much to learn.


The Secrets Beneath the Soil

In the quaint village of Alderwood, there existed an ancient cemetery, shrouded in mystery and forgotten tales. One day, a renowned archaeologist named Dr. Eleanor Ward arrived, determined to uncover the secrets buried beneath the earth. She sought to exhume the remains of a famous poet whose work had inspired generations, yet whose resting place had been lost to time.

With great care and respect, Dr. Ward and her team began their excavation. As they dug through layers of humus, the rich, decomposed organic matter that had accumulated over centuries, they marveled at the history that lay beneath their feet. Each shovel of soil brought them closer to their goal, revealing fragments of the past.

After days of meticulous work, they finally uncovered a sealed crypt. Inside lay the poet’s remains, carefully inhumed in an ornate casket. Dr. Ward felt a profound sense of accomplishment, knowing that she had brought to light the legacy of a great mind. The discovery of the poet’s final resting place was celebrated far and wide, with scholars and admirers eagerly awaiting the findings.

As Dr. Ward examined the casket, she discovered a hidden compartment containing unpublished manuscripts. These works, written in the poet’s own hand, would now be shared with the world posthumously, enriching the literary canon and providing new insights into the poet’s life and thoughts.

The village of Alderwood honored the poet with a grand ceremony, reinterring the remains in a place of honor and displaying the manuscripts in a specially dedicated museum. Dr. Ward’s dedication and passion for uncovering history had revived the memory of the poet, ensuring that his voice would continue to inspire future generations.


Source: The Triumph of Humility

  • Humble: rendah hati atau sederhana atau tidak sombong
  • Humiliation: penghinaan atau perasaan malu atau rasa rendah diri karena perlakuan atau tindakan yang merendahkan
  • Humility: kerendahan hati atau sifat rendah hati atau sikap rendah diri.

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