Roots of Numbers

Roots of Numbers

Word roots of numbers refer to the origins and meanings of the words used to represent numerical values. These roots can be traced back to various languages, such as Latin, Greek, and Arabic. Understanding the word roots of numbers can provide insights into the historical and cultural contexts in which these numerical systems developed. For example, the word “unus” in Latin means “one,” while “duo” means “two.” Similarly, the word “tri” in Greek represents the number “three.” Exploring the word roots of numbers not only enhances our understanding of mathematical concepts but also highlights the interconnectedness of language and numerical systems throughout history.


  • Semiannual: setengah tahunan
  • Semicircle: setengah lingkaran
  • Semicolon: titik koma
  • Semiconductor: semikonduktor
  • Semiconscious: setengah sadar
  • Semifinal: semifinal
  • Semiprecious: setengah berharga
  • Semiprivate: setengah pribadi
  • Semipro: setengah profesional
  • Semiskilled: setengah terampil

It was the semifinal match of the annual soccer tournament, and the stadium was packed with fans. Among the crowd was a semiconscious young man named Alex, who had been hit in the head by a semiprivate security guard earlier in the day. Despite his injury, Alex was determined to watch the game.

As he watched the players move in a semicircle around the field, Alex noticed a semiprecious stone on the ground. He picked it up and examined it closely, admiring its beauty. Suddenly, he heard a loud cheer from the crowd, and he realized that his favorite team had scored a goal.

The game was intense, and both teams were evenly matched. As the clock ticked down, the tension in the stadium grew. Finally, the referee blew the whistle, signaling the end of the game. The score was tied, and the match would have to be decided in a penalty shootout.

As the players lined up, Alex noticed a semicolon tattoo on the arm of one of the opposing team’s players. He wondered if the player was a writer or a grammar enthusiast. The shootout was nerve-wracking, but in the end, Alex’s team emerged victorious.

As he left the stadium, Alex felt a sense of pride and excitement. He knew that he had witnessed something special, and he was grateful for the experience. As he walked home, he passed by a semiconductor factory, where he saw semiskilled workers assembling electronic components. He realized that even though he was not a skilled worker, he could still contribute to society in his own way.

From that day forward, Alex made a commitment to attend the semiannual soccer tournament every year. He knew that he would always cherish the memories of that semifinal match, and he looked forward to creating more unforgettable experiences in the future.

uni, on

  • Lonely: kesepian
  • Once: suatu ketika
  • Unanimous: bulat suara
  • Unify: menyatukan
  • Union: serikat
  • Unionize: membentuk serikat
  • Unique: unik
  • Unison: serentak
  • Unit: satuan
  • Unite: bersatu

Once upon a time, there was a lonely little bird who lived in a tree by himself. He longed for companionship and dreamed of finding a mate to share his life with. One day, he heard a beautiful melody coming from a nearby tree. He flew over to investigate and found a group of birds singing in unison.

The little bird was amazed by their harmonious voices and unique melodies. He realized that he wanted to be a part of their group and unify with them. He approached the birds and asked if he could join them. The birds were unanimous in their decision and welcomed him with open wings.

As the little bird became a part of the group, he realized the power of union and the strength that comes from working together. He suggested that they unionize and work towards a common goal. The birds agreed and decided to build a nest together.

As they worked in unison, the little bird felt a sense of belonging and happiness that he had never experienced before. He realized that he was no longer lonely and that he had found a unit of friends who cared for him.

The little bird and his new friends continued to sing together, and their voices echoed through the forest. They were a unique group, but they were united in their love for music and each other. The little bird knew that he had found something special, and he was grateful for the day he decided to unite with his new friends.


  • Consolidate: menggabungkan atau menyatukan
  • Desolate: sepi dan sunyi
  • Solder: menyolder
  • Sole: tunggal atau satu-satunya
  • Solid: padat atau kokoh
  • Soliloquy: monolog atau percakapan dengan diri sendiri
  • Solitaire: permainan kartu yang dimainkan sendiri
  • Solitary: sendirian atau kesepian
  • Solitude: kesunyian atau keheningan
  • Solo: tunggal atau sendirian, juga bisa merujuk pada bagian solo dalam musik.

Once a successful musician, John had hit a rough patch in his career. His band had disbanded, and he was left feeling desolate and alone. He decided to take a break from the music scene and retreated to a cabin in the woods to find some solitude.

As he spent time alone, John began to consolidate his thoughts and reflect on his life. He realized that he had been relying too much on his bandmates and needed to learn to stand on his own two feet. He picked up his guitar and began to solder the broken strings, determined to make music on his own.

John spent hours practicing and writing new songs, and soon he was ready to perform again. He booked a solo gig at a local bar and poured his heart and soul into his performance. The audience was captivated by his solid guitar skills and the emotion in his voice.

After the show, John sat alone at the bar, lost in thought. He began to speak to himself in a soliloquy, reflecting on his journey and the lessons he had learned. He realized that he didn’t need a band to make great music; he could be a solitaire artist and still make an impact.

As he left the bar, John felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had found his sole purpose in life and was ready to take on the world. He knew that the road ahead would be solitary, but he was ready to embrace the solitude and make his mark as a solo artist.


  • Monarchy: monarki atau kerajaan
  • Monoatomic: monoatomik
  • Monochrome: monokrom atau hitam putih
  • Monograph: monograf atau tulisan ilmiah tentang satu topik
  • Monophonic: monofonik atau hanya memiliki satu saluran suara
  • Monopoly: monopoli atau pengendalian penuh atas suatu bisnis atau industri
  • Monorail: monorel atau kereta api gantung
  • Monosyllable: monosilabel atau kata yang terdiri dari satu suku kata
  • Monotheism: monoteisme atau kepercayaan pada satu Tuhan
  • Monotone: monoton atau tanpa variasi dalam nada atau intonasi.


  • Bicentennial: dua ratus tahun atau peringatan dua ratus tahun
  • Bicycle: sepeda atau kendaraan roda dua yang diayun dengan kaki
  • Biennial: dua tahun sekali atau berlangsung selama dua tahun
  • Bilingual: dwibahasa atau mampu berbicara dalam dua bahasa
  • Binocular: teropong atau alat optik untuk melihat jarak jauh dengan dua lensa
  • Biped: bipedal atau memiliki dua kaki
  • Biracial: campuran ras atau memiliki dua ras yang berbeda
  • Bisect: membagi dua atau memotong menjadi dua bagian sama besar
  • Biweekly: dua minggu sekali atau terjadi setiap dua minggu
  • Combine: menggabungkan atau menyatukan menjadi satu.

It was the bicentennial celebration of the small town of Twin Oaks, and the community was buzzing with excitement. The town had planned a parade, a carnival, and a biennial festival to commemorate the occasion. As the day of the celebration drew near, the town’s residents were busy preparing for the festivities.

One of the most popular events was the bicycle race, which attracted participants from all over the region. The race was a biweekly event, but this time it was special, as it coincided with the bicentennial celebration. The racers were a diverse group, including a biracial teenager, a bilingual immigrant, and a few bipedal robots.

As the race began, the spectators cheered on the racers, using their binoculars to get a better view. The course was challenging, with steep hills and sharp turns, but the racers were determined to win. The biracial teenager was in the lead, followed closely by the bilingual immigrant.

Suddenly, the course bisected, with one path leading to a steep hill and the other to a winding road. The racers had to make a split-second decision, and the biracial teenager chose the hill, while the bilingual immigrant took the road. The robots, being programmed for efficiency, combined their efforts and took both paths simultaneously.

In the end, it was a close race, but the biracial teenager crossed the finish line first, followed by the bilingual immigrant and the bipedal robots. The crowd erupted in cheers, and the winners were awarded medals and prizes.

As the celebration continued, the town’s residents reflected on the diversity and unity that made their community strong. They were proud to be a part of a town that welcomed people of all races, languages, and backgrounds. And they looked forward to the next bicentennial celebration, knowing that their community would continue to thrive and grow.

di, du

  • Diatomic: diatomik atau molekul yang terdiri dari dua atom
  • Dilemma: dilema atau situasi sulit di mana harus memilih antara dua pilihan yang sama-sama sulit
  • Divorce: perceraian atau putusnya hubungan pernikahan secara resmi
  • Double: ganda atau dua kali lipat
  • Dual: ganda atau memiliki dua bagian
  • Duel: duel atau pertarungan satu lawan satu
  • Duet: duet atau pertunjukan musik oleh dua orang
  • Duo: duo atau pasangan dua orang
  • Duplex: duplex atau rumah yang terdiri dari dua unit yang terpisah namun saling terhubung
  • Duplicate: duplikat atau salinan yang sama persis dengan yang asli.

John was in a dilemma. He had been working on his diatomic research for years, but he had hit a roadblock. He had been trying to duplicate his results, but something was off. He had a feeling that he was missing something, but he couldn’t figure out what it was.

To make matters worse, his personal life was in shambles. His wife had filed for divorce, and he was struggling to balance his work and personal life. He felt like he was living a double life, trying to keep up with his research while dealing with the emotional turmoil of his divorce.

One day, he received an unexpected visit from a duo of scientists who were also working on diatomic research. They had heard about John’s work and wanted to collaborate with him. John was hesitant at first, but he realized that he needed help.

Together, they worked on the research, and John was amazed at how much progress they made. They discovered a dual process that John had overlooked, and it was the missing piece of the puzzle. They were able to duplicate the results, and their research was a success.

To celebrate, they decided to have a duet performance at a local bar. They played a beautiful piece of music on their instruments, and the crowd was mesmerized. As they left the bar, they noticed a group of people gathered outside, watching a duel between two men. They were shocked and saddened by the violence, and they realized how lucky they were to have found each other and worked together in harmony.

As they walked back to their duplex, John felt grateful for the unexpected turn of events. He had found a new sense of purpose and a new group of friends who shared his passion for science. And he knew that he would never forget the lesson he had learned: that sometimes, the best way to solve a dilemma is to work together with others.


  • Thrice: tiga kali atau tiga kali lipat
  • Triangle: segitiga atau bentuk dengan tiga sisi dan tiga sudut
  • Tricolor: tricolor atau bendera dengan tiga warna
  • Trident: trisula atau senjata dengan tiga mata pisau
  • Triennial: triwulan atau berlangsung selama tiga tahun
  • Trinity: trinitas atau konsep tentang tiga pribadi ilahi dalam satu Allah
  • Trio: trio atau kelompok tiga orang atau tiga benda
  • Triple: tiga kali lipat atau tiga buah
  • Triplet: triplet atau tiga benda yang serupa atau tiga bayi yang lahir sekaligus
  • Trisect: membagi menjadi tiga bagian atau membagi menjadi tiga bagian yang sama besar.

Once upon a time, there was a trinity of gods who ruled over the land. They were known as the Triad, and they were worshipped by the people for their wisdom and power. The Triad consisted of three gods: the god of the sky, the god of the sea, and the god of the earth.

Every triennial, the people of the land would gather to celebrate the Triad. They would decorate the town with tricolor flags and banners, and they would hold a grand festival in honor of the gods. The festival would last for three days and three nights, and the people would feast and dance thrice each day.

During the festival, the Triad would appear in the form of a trio of statues. The statues were made of gold and were adorned with tridents, symbols of the gods’ power. The people would offer gifts to the statues, hoping to gain the favor of the gods.

One year, a group of triplets came to the festival. They were identical in every way, and they were fascinated by the statues of the Triad. They decided to explore the town and stumbled upon a mysterious triangle-shaped building. Inside, they found a secret room with a trisect mirror that showed them a vision of the future.

The vision showed them a great danger that would threaten the land. The only way to stop it was to find a hidden trident that was guarded by a powerful monster. The triplets knew that they had to act fast, so they set out on a journey to find the trident.

After many trials and tribulations, the triplets finally found the trident and used it to defeat the monster. They returned to the town and presented the trident to the Triad. The gods were pleased with their bravery and granted them a special gift: the ability to communicate with each other telepathically, as if they were one person.

From that day on, the triplets were known as the Trio of Heroes, and they were celebrated by the people as saviors of the land. And every triennial, they would return to the festival to tell their story and remind the people of the power of the Triad.

quad, quar

  • Quad: kuad atau empat
  • Quadrangle: kuadran atau area yang dikelilingi oleh empat sisi atau bangunan
  • Quadrant: kuadran atau seperempat lingkaran
  • Quadrennial: kuadrennial atau berlangsung selama empat tahun
  • Quadruped: kaki empat atau hewan berkaki empat
  • Quadruple: empat kali lipat atau empat buah
  • Quart: kuart atau seperempat galon atau ukuran volume lainnya
  • Quarter: kuartal atau seperempat atau wilayah kota atau desa
  • Quartet: kuartet atau kelompok empat orang atau empat benda
  • Square: persegi atau bentuk dengan empat sisi dan empat sudut yang sama besar.

In a small town, there was a beautiful quadrangle where people would gather to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. The quadrangle was surrounded by four buildings, each with a square shape and four floors. The buildings were used as offices, but they were also home to a group of musicians who called themselves the Quartet.

The Quartet consisted of four talented musicians who played classical music. They would often perform in the quadrangle, entertaining the people with their beautiful melodies. The people loved to listen to them, and they would often throw coins into a quart jar as a sign of appreciation.

One day, a strange quadruped appeared in the quadrangle. It was a small, furry creature with four legs and a long tail. The people were fascinated by the quadruped and would often gather around it to watch it play.

As time passed, the quadruped became a regular visitor to the quadrangle. The Quartet would often play music for it, and the people would bring it food and water. The quadruped became a beloved member of the community, and the people would often refer to it as the “Quadrangle Pet.”

Every quadrennial, the town would hold a festival in the quadrangle. The festival would last for a quarter of a day, and the people would celebrate with music, food, and games. The Quartet would always perform at the festival, and the quadruped would be the guest of honor.

One year, the Quartet decided to play a special piece of music for the quadruped. They played a beautiful melody that they had composed just for it. The people were moved by the music, and they threw quadruple the amount of coins into the quart jar as a sign of appreciation.

From that day on, the quadruped became a symbol of the town’s unity and love for music. And every time the Quartet played in the quadrangle, the quadruped would be there, listening and enjoying the beautiful melodies.


  • Quintessence: Quintessence atau inti atau esensi dari sesuatu yang paling penting atau mendasar
  • Quintet: Quintet atau kelompok lima orang atau benda, terutama dalam musik
  • Quintuple: Quintuple atau lima kali lipat dari suatu jumlah atau ukuran tertentu. Contohnya, “Dia memiliki lima anak kembar, jadi jumlah anaknya menjadi quintuple.”

Once upon a time, there was a quintet of musicians who were known throughout the land for their incredible talent. They played together for years, creating beautiful music that touched the hearts of all who heard it. They were the quintessence of musical perfection.

One day, the quintet received some surprising news. One of the members, a woman named Sarah, was pregnant with quintuplets. The news was both exciting and daunting, as Sarah knew that she would have to take a break from the quintet to care for her children.

The other members of the quintet were sad to see Sarah go, but they knew that family always came first. They continued to play together, but something was missing. They realized that Sarah was the quintessence of their group, and without her, they were incomplete.

Years went by, and Sarah’s children grew up to be talented musicians themselves. One day, they decided to form their own quintet, following in their mother’s footsteps. They practiced day and night, determined to be as good as their mother and her former bandmates.

Finally, the day of their first performance arrived. The audience was filled with people who had heard of the legendary quintet that Sarah had once been a part of. They were excited to see her children perform, but they were also skeptical. Could they really live up to the quintessence of their mother’s former group?

As soon as the quintuplets began to play, the audience was mesmerized. They played with such skill and passion that it was as if they had been born to play together. They were the quintessence of musical talent, just like their mother and her former bandmates.

After the performance, the quintuplets were approached by the members of their mother’s former quintet. They were amazed by the talent of the young musicians and asked them to join forces. The quintet was once again complete, and they played together for many years, creating beautiful music that touched the hearts of all who heard it.


  • Pentad: Pentad atau kelompok lima orang atau benda
  • Pentagon: Pentagon atau bangunan dengan lima sisi dan lima sudut
  • Pentameter: Pentameter atau jenis puisi yang terdiri dari lima kaki dalam setiap barisnya
  • Pentathlon: Pentathlon atau olahraga yang terdiri dari lima cabang olahraga yang berbeda.

Once upon a time, there was a young poet named John who was fascinated by the number five. He loved to write poems in pentameter, a form of poetry that consists of five metrical feet per line. He also loved to participate in the pentathlon, a sporting event that consists of five different athletic disciplines.

One day, John was walking in the park when he stumbled upon a mysterious pentagon-shaped object. It was a pentad, a rare artifact that was said to have magical powers. John was intrigued and decided to take it home with him.

That night, John had a dream that he was competing in a pentathlon, but this time, it was different. The events were not the usual ones he was used to, but rather, they were magical and otherworldly. He had to run through a maze of pentagon-shaped walls, swim through a pool of pentad-shaped water, and climb a tower made of pentameter verses.

When he woke up, John realized that the pentad had transported him to a magical world where everything was based on the number five. He decided to explore this world and see what other wonders it held.

As he journeyed through this world, John discovered that the pentad was not just a magical object, but it was also a key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. He learned that the pentagon shape was a symbol of balance and harmony, and that the number five was a sacred number that represented the five elements of nature.

John spent many years in this magical world, learning and exploring. When he finally returned to the real world, he was a changed man. He continued to write poetry in pentameter, but now, his words had a deeper meaning. He also continued to participate in the pentathlon, but now, he saw it as a way to connect with the elements of nature.

From that day on, John lived a life of balance and harmony, always remembering the lessons he learned in the magical world of the pentad.


  • Decade: dekade atau periode sepuluh tahun
  • Decagon: dekagon atau bangun datar dengan sepuluh sisi dan sepuluh sudut
  • Decapod: dekapoda atau hewan bertubuh lunak dengan sepuluh kaki seperti kepiting atau udang
  • Decathlon: dekatlon atau olahraga yang terdiri dari sepuluh cabang olahraga
  • Desember: bulan ke-12 dalam kalender Gregorian atau bulan terakhir dalam tahun
  • Decibel: desibel atau satuan pengukuran intensitas suara
  • Decimate: mendecimasi atau memusnahkan sepuluh persen atau sebagian besar dari sesuatu
  • Decimeter: desimeter atau satuan pengukuran panjang yang sama dengan sepuluh sentimeter
  • Dime: koin sepuluh sen atau uang logam senilai sepuluh sen.

It was the month of December, and the town was buzzing with excitement. The annual decathlon competition was about to take place, and athletes from all over the world had come to participate. The competition was held in a large stadium, shaped like a decagon, with ten sides and ten entrances.

The decathlon consisted of ten events, and the athletes had to compete in all of them. The events included running, jumping, throwing, and swimming. The competition lasted for a decade, and the winner would be crowned the champion of the decade.

The athletes were all in top shape, and the competition was fierce. The decibel level in the stadium was so high that it could be heard from miles away. The crowd cheered as the athletes competed, and the excitement was palpable.

As the competition progressed, the athletes began to drop out one by one. The events were so grueling that only the strongest and most determined athletes could make it to the end. By the end of the competition, only a handful of athletes remained.

The final event was the decapod race, where the athletes had to run on their hands and feet like a crab. The race was so close that it was impossible to tell who would win. In the end, it was a photo finish, and the winner was declared by a decimeter.

The winner was a young athlete from a small town who had trained for the competition for a decade. He was awarded a dime, which he treasured as a symbol of his hard work and dedication. The crowd cheered as he was crowned the champion of the decade, and his name was etched in history as one of the greatest athletes of all time.


  • Bicentennial: peringatan 200 tahun
  • Cent: sen
  • Centerany: pusat kota
  • Centigrade: derajat Celsius
  • Centimeter: sentimeter
  • Centipede: lipan
  • Centurion: prajurit Romawi
  • Century: abad
  • Percent: persen

In the year 2076, the world celebrated the bicentennial anniversary of the founding of the United States of America. The country had come a long way since its inception, and the people were proud to celebrate their history and achievements.

As part of the celebrations, a parade was organized in the center of New York City. The parade featured floats and performers from every state in the country, showcasing their unique cultures and traditions.

As the parade marched on, the temperature rose to over 100 degrees centigrade. The people were sweating profusely, and some even fainted from the heat. The organizers quickly realized that they needed to take action to prevent any further casualties.

They called in a team of centurions, who were experts in handling emergencies. The centurions quickly set up a medical centerany to provide first aid to those in need. They also distributed centimeter-long ice packs to help cool down the overheated crowd.

As the parade continued, a centipede crawled out from under one of the floats, causing a commotion among the spectators. The centurions quickly caught the centipede and removed it from the area, ensuring the safety of the people.

Despite the heat and the unexpected visitor, the parade continued, and the people cheered as it came to an end. As the sun set on the city, the people gathered to watch a spectacular fireworks display, marking the end of the bicentennial celebrations.

As they looked back on the past two centuries, the people of America were grateful for the progress they had made and the challenges they had overcome. They knew that there were still many obstacles to face in the future, but they were confident that they could overcome them, one cent at a time.


  • Mill: pabrik
  • Millenary: seribu tahun
  • Millennium: milenium
  • Millimeter: milimeter
  • Millionaire: jutawan
  • Million: jutaan
  • Millipede: lipan

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a mill that had been standing for a millenary. The mill had been passed down from generation to generation, and it had become a symbol of the village’s history and tradition.

As the new millenium approached, the villagers decided to celebrate the occasion by organizing a festival. They invited a millionaire from the city to attend the festival and share his wealth with the community.

The millionaire arrived in his luxurious car, and the villagers welcomed him with open arms. They showed him around the village and took him to see the mill. The millionaire was impressed by the mill’s history and the hard work that had gone into maintaining it for so many years.

As the festival began, the villagers showcased their talents and skills. They had prepared a variety of dishes, including bread made from the mill’s flour. The millionaire was amazed by the quality of the food and the warmth of the community.

During the festival, the villagers also organized a millipede race. They had trained the millipedes to race against each other, and the winner would receive a prize of one million rupiahs. The millionaire was amused by the idea and decided to sponsor the race.

As the race began, the millipedes scurried towards the finish line, and the crowd cheered them on. In the end, a millipede named Millie won the race and the prize money.

The festival was a huge success, and the villagers were grateful for the millionaire’s generosity. They used the money to improve the mill and ensure that it would continue to stand for another millenary. The millionaire left the village with a newfound appreciation for the simple life and the value of hard work.

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