

Rye refers to a type of cereal grain, often used for making flour and various food products.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The baker decided to experiment with a new recipe using whole-grain rye flour.
  2. The farmers planted a vast field of rye to be harvested in the coming months.
  3. The bakery offered a special promotion on their signature rye bread this week.
  4. The aroma of freshly baked rye filled the kitchen, enticing everyone in the house.
  5. Mary prefers the distinct flavor of rye in her sandwiches over other types of bread.
  6. The artisanal bakery is known for its traditional rye sourdough.
  7. The chef crafted a unique dish using a blend of rye and other grains for added texture.
  8. The miller carefully grinded the rye grains to produce high-quality flour.
  9. The grocery store stocks a variety of rye products, from bread to crackers.
  10. The sandwich shop offers a selection of bread, including white, whole wheat, and rye.


  • Grain: biji-bijian
  • Cereal: sereal
  • Wheat: gandum
  • Barley: jelai
  • Oats: oat
  • Corn: jagung
  • Bran: dedak
  • Gluten: gluten
  • Spelt: spelt
  • Millet: millet


  • Gluten-free: bebas gluten
  • Rice-based: berbasis beras
  • Corn-based: berbasis jagung
  • Wheat-free: bebas gandum

Derived Words:

  • Rye flour: tepung rye
  • Rye bread: roti rye

Related Words:

  • Bakery: toko roti
  • Flour: tepung
  • Harvest: panen
  • Aroma: aroma
  • Sourdough: adonan asam

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Bake with rye: memanggang dengan rye
  • Grind rye: menggiling rye

Common Expressions:

  • Rye-based products: produk berbasis rye
  • Rye grain: biji-bijian rye

Related Idioms:

  • Rye and shine: semangat dan berkilau (a playful twist on “rise and shine”)
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