school fees

“School fees” refers to the monetary charges or payments required for attending an educational institution. It encompasses various expenses associated with education, such as tuition fees, registration fees, activity fees, and other charges necessary for a student’s enrollment and participation in school activities.

Sample sentences using “school fees”:

  1. The school fees for this semester are due by the end of the month.
  2. The school offers scholarships to students who cannot afford the full school fees.
  3. Parents are requested to pay the school fees in installments to ease the financial burden.
  4. The school fees for international students are higher than those for local students.
  5. The school provides a breakdown of the school fees, including textbooks and extracurricular activities.
  6. The deadline for submitting the school fees has been extended by one week.
  7. The school offers financial aid programs to support families who struggle to cover the school fees.
  8. The school fees for the upcoming academic year have been increased by 5%.
  9. Late payment of school fees may result in penalties or restrictions on student participation.
  10. The school provides options for online payment of school fees for convenience.


  • Tuition fees
  • Educational expenses
  • School tuition
  • Academic charges
  • Educational fees


  • Free education
  • Scholarships

Related words:

  • Enrollment fees
  • Registration fees
  • Activity fees
  • Examination fees
  • Material fees

Phrasal verbs:

  • Pay off school fees
  • Settle school fees
  • Clear school fees
  • Cover school fees
  • Manage school fees


  • Paying through the nose
  • Money talks
  • Worth every penny

In conclusion, “school fees” refer to the financial obligations associated with attending an educational institution. These fees encompass various expenses and are an essential aspect of education. It is crucial for students, parents, and schools to understand and manage school fees effectively to ensure access to quality education and a smooth learning experience.

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