Self-centered refers to a personality trait characterized by an excessive focus on oneself, often at the expense of considering or empathizing with the needs and feelings of others. A self-centered individual tends to prioritize their own desires, opinions, and concerns, displaying a lack of awareness or interest in the perspectives of those around them.
Sample Sentences:
- Her constant conversations about herself made her appear self-centered in social settings.
- The colleague’s self-centered behavior overshadowed the collaborative efforts of the team.
- Being in a relationship with a self-centered person can be emotionally draining.
- The manager’s self-centered decision neglected the well-being of the entire workforce.
- A self-centered approach to leadership can hinder team cohesion and productivity.
- The actor’s reputation suffered due to his self-centered conduct during interviews.
- Jane’s self-centered attitude strained her friendships, as she rarely considered others’ feelings.
- In group discussions, he consistently steered the conversation back to his own experiences, appearing self-centered.
- The politician’s self-centered policies focused solely on personal gain rather than public welfare.
- Recognizing and addressing self-centered tendencies is crucial for personal growth and healthy relationships.
- Egotistical (Egois)
- Narcissistic (Narsistik)
- Self-absorbed (Terlalu memikirkan diri sendiri)
- Egocentric (Egosektris)
- Selfish (Egois)
- Conceited (Sombong)
- Self-indulgent (Mengalahkan diri sendiri)
- Self-serving (Berorientasi pada diri sendiri)
- Inward-looking (Melihat ke dalam)
- Egomania (Egomaniak)
- Altruistic (Altruistik)
- Selfless (Tanpa pamrih)
- Considerate (Pertimbangkan)
- Empathetic (Empatis)
- Other-centered (Berpusat pada orang lain)
- Cooperative (Kerjasama)
- Generous (Pemurah)
- Thoughtful (Penuh perhatian)
- Compassionate (Penuh belas kasihan)
- Collaborative (Kolaboratif)
Derived Words:
- Self-centeredness (Sikap egosentris)
- Self-centeredly (Dengan sikap egosentris)
Related Words:
- Self-obsessed (Obsesi pada diri sendiri)
- Self-focused (Berfokus pada diri sendiri)
- Self-preoccupied (Mengutamakan diri sendiri)
- Self-involved (Terlibat dengan diri sendiri)
- Self-concerned (Mengkhawatirkan diri sendiri)
Phrasal Verbs:
- Tune out (Mengabaikan)
- Shut out (Menutup pintu)
- Turn a blind eye to (Mengabaikan)
- Brush off (Mengabaikan)
Common Expressions:
- All about me (Semuanya tentang saya)
- Me, myself, and I (Saya, diri saya, dan saya sendiri)
- Centered on oneself (Berpusat pada diri sendiri)
- Me-centric (Saya-sentris)
Related Idioms:
- Dance to one’s own tune (Menari sesuai dengan ritme sendiri)
- March to the beat of one’s own drum (Berjalan sesuai dengan ketukan gendang sendiri)