

Selfless refers to the quality of being concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one’s own. It involves acting with unselfishness, putting the well-being of others before personal interests or desires. A selfless individual prioritizes the happiness and welfare of others, often demonstrating generosity and compassion without expecting anything in return.

Sample Sentences:

  1. She showed selfless devotion to her community by volunteering at the local shelter every weekend.
  2. His selfless act of donating a kidney to a stranger saved a life.
  3. The team’s success was attributed to their selfless collaboration and support for each other.
  4. Despite facing personal hardships, she remained selfless in her dedication to helping those in need.
  5. The firefighter’s selfless bravery in rescuing people from the burning building was commendable.
  6. The teacher’s selfless commitment to her students went beyond the classroom, providing mentorship and guidance.
  7. Their selfless contributions to the charity event raised significant funds for a noble cause.
  8. Acts of selfless kindness often create a ripple effect, inspiring others to do the same.
  9. In times of crisis, communities often come together through selfless acts of solidarity.
  10. The leader’s selfless leadership style fostered a culture of cooperation and shared success.


  • Altruistic (Altruistik)
  • Generous (Pemurah)
  • Benevolent (Baik hati)
  • Charitable (Derma)
  • Unselfish (Tanpa pamrih)
  • Philanthropic (Filantropis)
  • Considerate (Pertimbangan)
  • Compassionate (Penuh kasih)
  • Humanitarian (Humaniter)
  • Kindhearted (Berhati baik)


  • Selfish (Egois)
  • Greedy (Lobak)
  • Egocentric (Egosenrik)
  • Self-centered (Bercermin pada diri sendiri)
  • Self-serving (Melayani diri sendiri)
  • Inconsiderate (Tidak memikirkan orang lain)
  • Self-absorbed (Terobsesi pada diri sendiri)
  • Egotistical (Egotistik)
  • Narcissistic (Narcisistik)
  • Self-indulgent (Menghendaki diri sendiri)

Derived Words:

  • Selflessly (Tanpa pamrih)
  • Selflessness (Ketidakmementingan diri)
  • Selflessness (Sifat tanpa pamrih)

Related Words:

  • Altruism (Altruisme)
  • Benevolence (Kebajikan)
  • Generosity (Kemurahan hati)
  • Compassion (Belas kasihan)
  • Charity (Amal)

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Give back (Memberikan kembali)
  • Reach out (Membantu)
  • Lend a hand (Membantu)
  • Pay it forward (Memberikan kebaikan)

Common Expressions:

  • Acts of kindness (Tindakan kebaikan)
  • Putting others first (Menempatkan orang lain di depan)
  • Sacrificing for others (Berkorban untuk orang lain)

Related Idioms:

  • A heart of gold (Hati yang tulus)
  • The milk of human kindness (Kelembutan dan kebaikan hati manusia)
  • To go the extra mile (Melakukan lebih dari yang diharapkan)
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