A shaman is a spiritual practitioner, often within indigenous cultures, who acts as an intermediary between the physical and spiritual realms. Shamans are believed to have the ability to connect with spirits, heal ailments, and guide individuals or communities through rituals, ceremonies, and divination.
Sample Sentences:
- The shaman performed a ritual to communicate with the spirits and seek guidance.
- In traditional ceremonies, the shaman plays a vital role in connecting the community with their ancestral spirits.
- The village sought the expertise of a skilled shaman to address the mysterious illness affecting their people.
- Through a trance-like state, the shaman journeyed into the spirit world to retrieve lost souls.
- The role of the shaman extends beyond healing; they are often regarded as spiritual leaders and mentors.
- During the harvest season, the community gathers to witness the shaman offering gratitude to nature spirits.
- The shaman used herbs and chants to invoke a protective energy during important ceremonies.
- Among the indigenous people, the shaman is revered for their wisdom, insight, and healing abilities.
- The young apprentice observed the seasoned shaman as they conducted a traditional dance to honor the elements.
- In times of crisis, the community turns to the guidance and spiritual wisdom of the local shaman.
Synonyms (English – Indonesian):
- Medicine man/woman – Tabib spiritual
- Witch doctor – Dukun
- Spirit healer – Penyembuh roh
- Oracle – Orakel
- Mystic – Mistik
- Seer – Peramal
- Diviner – Penerawang
- Priest/priestess – Pendeta
- Healer – Penyembuh
- Sage – Bijak
Antonyms (English – Indonesian):
- Skeptic – Skeptis
- Non-believer – Tidak percaya
- Materialist – Materialis
- Atheist – Ateis
Derived Words (English – Indonesian):
- Shamanistic – Bersifat ke-shaman-an
- Shamanism – Kepercayaan shaman
- Shamanic – Bersifat shamanis
- Shamanize – Menjadi seperti seorang shaman
Related Words (English – Indonesian):
- Ritual – Ritual
- Divination – Ramalan
- Ceremony – Upacara
- Trance – Trance
- Ancestral – Warisan nenek moyang
Phrasal Verbs (English – Indonesian):
- Connect with spirits – Terhubung dengan roh
- Seek guidance – Mencari petunjuk
- Journey into the spirit world – Melakukan perjalanan ke dunia roh
- Invoke protective energy – Memanggil energi perlindungan
- Offer gratitude – Menyampaikan rasa terima kasih
Common Expressions (English – Indonesian):
- Walk the shamanic path – Menempuh jalan shamanis
- Embrace shamanistic traditions – Mengikuti tradisi shamanis
- Channel spiritual energy – Mengalirkan energi spiritual
Related Idioms (English – Indonesian):
- Dance with the spirits – Menari bersama roh
- Hear the whispers of the ancestors – Mendengar bisikan leluhur
Here are some idioms related to “shaman” based on various aspects of their roles and abilities:
Wisdom and Knowledge:
- Keeper of the old ways: Holds ancient knowledge and traditions.
- Seer of the unseen: Possesses deep understanding of the hidden world.
- Whisperer to the spirits: Can communicate with spirits and unseen forces.
- Master of the hidden knowledge: Commands wisdom beyond the limits of the commoner.
- Well of stories and secrets: Carries the past and hidden truths within.
Healing and Guidance:
- Mender of broken souls: Heals both physical and spiritual ailments.
- Wayfinder in the darkness: Offers guidance and direction in times of uncertainty.
- Rainmaker of the spirit: Brings calm and clarity to troubled minds.
- Bridge between worlds: Connects the physical and spiritual realms.
- Handholder on the path of healing: Guides individuals on their journey towards wholeness.
Power and Influence:
- One who walks with the spirits: Commands supernatural abilities and influence.
- Master of the elements: Can harness the forces of nature.
- Rainmaker of the tribe: Brings prosperity and fortune to the community.
- Thunderer in the night: Powerful and respected figure with a commanding presence.
- Eye of the storm: Sees through chaos and offers solutions during turbulent times.
Mysticism and Transformation:
- Dreamwalker: Enters the realm of dreams and visions.
- Shapeshifter of the soul: Possesses the ability to transform and adapt.
- Dancer with the unknown: Navigates the mysteries of the universe with grace and skill.
- Singer of the unseen: Uses chants and rituals to influence the hidden world.
- Cloaked in shadows and whispers: Holds secrets and operates in the fringes of reality.
Remember: These are just a few examples, and the specific idioms associated with “shaman” will vary depending on the cultural context. Many regions have their own unique idioms and metaphors to describe these powerful figures.
I hope this gives you a good starting point for exploring the rich world of shaman-related idioms!