“Shyness” is a personality trait characterized by a feeling of apprehension, discomfort, or timidity in social situations, often accompanied by a reluctance to engage with others or to express oneself openly.
Sample Sentences:
- Despite her talent, her shyness prevented her from taking center stage.
- The child’s shyness in new surroundings was evident as they clung to their parent.
- His persistent shyness made it challenging for him to make new friends.
- The employee’s shyness in meetings hindered their ability to contribute ideas.
- The student’s academic achievements were overshadowed by their noticeable shyness.
- The teenager’s shyness became more pronounced when faced with public speaking.
- Despite his expertise, the scientist’s shyness kept him away from public discussions.
- The bride’s shyness was apparent as she walked down the aisle.
- The actor’s initial shyness on set gradually faded as they became more comfortable.
- The professor’s efforts to overcome shyness in the classroom improved student engagement.
- Timidity – Kehaluan
- Bashfulness – Sifat pemalu
- Reserve – Kekurang-beranian
- Introversion – Introversi
- Reticence – Penahanan diri
- Inhibition – Penghambatan
- Modesty – Kesederhanaan
- Self-consciousness – Kesadaran diri
- Awkwardness – Kekurang-beranian
- Hesitation – Keraguan
- Confidence – Keyakinan
- Boldness – Keberanian
- Extroversion – Ekstroversi
- Assertiveness – Sikap tegas
- Sociability – Kehangatan sosial
- Outgoingness – Kemurahan hati
- Audacity – Keberanian
- Self-assuredness – Keyakinan diri
- Assertiveness – Sikap tegas
- Sociability – Kehangatan sosial
Derived Words:
- Shyly – Dengan pemalu
Related Words:
- Social anxiety – Kecemasan sosial
- Social awkwardness – Kekurang-beranian sosial
- Social withdrawal – Menarik diri dari pergaulan sosial
- Social discomfort – Ketidaknyamanan sosial
Phrasal Verbs:
- Break out of shyness – Keluar dari sifat pemalu
- Cope with shyness – Mengatasi sifat pemalu
Common Expressions:
- Overcome shyness – Mengatasi sifat pemalu
- Battle with shyness – Bertarung dengan sifat pemalu
Related Idioms:
- Butterflies in one’s stomach – Rasa gugup sebelum melakukan sesuatu.
- Jump out of one’s skin – Terkejut atau kaget secara mendalam.