
Sin refers to an act that violates a moral or religious law, often considered an offense against a divine being. It can also describe an immoral action or wrongdoing in a broader ethical sense. In many religious traditions, sin is associated with spiritual consequences, guilt, and the need for atonement or repentance.

Sample Sentences Using “Sin“:

  • According to many religions, lying is considered a sin that requires repentance.
  • He confessed his sins and sought forgiveness in the hopes of cleansing his soul.
  • The concept of sin is central to many moral teachings and religious beliefs.
  • She believed that committing such a grave sin would lead to eternal punishment.
  • In some cultures, certain behaviors are viewed as a sin against societal norms.
  • The priest spoke about the nature of sin and how to seek redemption.
  • Sin can lead to spiritual consequences, according to religious teachings.
  • The notion of sin can vary across different religions and philosophical systems.
  • The king’s actions were considered a sin by his people, causing a loss of respect.
  • He lived in constant guilt, burdened by the weight of his past sins.

Synonyms for “Sin“:

  1. Wrongdoing
  2. Transgression
  3. Iniquity
  4. Offense
  5. Crime
  6. Evil
  7. Misdeed
  8. Fault
  9. Vice
  10. Immorality

Antonyms for “Sin“:

  1. Virtue
  2. Righteousness
  3. Goodness
  4. Purity
  5. Morality
  6. Integrity
  7. Honesty
  8. Justice
  9. Piety
  10. Holiness

Related Words:

  1. Transgression – A violation of a law, principle, or moral code, often seen as a form of sin.
  2. Iniquity – Immoral or grossly unfair behavior, often described as a form of sin.
  3. Repentance – The act of feeling remorse or regret for one’s sins and seeking forgiveness.
  4. Atonement – The process of making amends for one’s sins, often in a religious context.
  5. Redemption – The action of being saved from sin or its consequences, often through divine intervention.
  6. Forgiveness – The act of pardoning someone for their sins or wrongdoings.
  7. Guilt – The feeling of responsibility or remorse for having committed a sin.
  8. Salvation – The act of being saved from sin and its consequences, often in a religious or spiritual sense.
  9. Repayment – The idea of making restitution or compensating for a sin or wrongdoing.

Phrasal Verbs and Idiomatic Expressions:

  1. Repent of – To feel remorse or regret for having committed a sin.
  2. Atone for – To make amends or seek forgiveness for a sin or wrongdoing.
  3. Pay for one’s sins – To suffer consequences or punishment as a result of one’s sins.
  4. Confess one’s sins – To openly admit to sins or wrongdoings, often to seek forgiveness.
  5. Cleanse one’s soul – To rid oneself of sin, often through religious rituals or acts of contrition.
  6. Bear the burden of sin – To carry the guilt or weight of one’s sins.
  7. Fall from grace – To lose favor or respect, often due to sin or moral failure.
  8. Live in sin – To engage in immoral behavior, particularly without religious or moral sanction.
  9. Wash away sins – To purify oneself from sin, often used in a religious context involving forgiveness or baptism.

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