
“Skulked” is a verb that refers to the act of moving stealthily or hiding sneakily, often to avoid detection or engage in covert activities. It implies a secretive or furtive movement, typically associated with evading notice or engaging in suspicious behavior.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The cat skulked through the shadows, stalking its prey.
  2. Intruders skulked around the perimeter of the property, avoiding security cameras.
  3. Detectives noticed a suspicious figure that seemed to be skulking near the crime scene.
  4. The spy skulked through the crowded marketplace, blending in seamlessly.
  5. Thieves skulked in the alleyways, waiting for an opportune moment to strike.
  6. Witnesses claimed to have seen a figure skulking near the abandoned warehouse.
  7. The ninja expertly skulked through the enemy’s territory, avoiding detection.
  8. As the night fell, a sense of unease settled in as shadows skulked in the corners.
  9. The mysterious character skulked away from the scene before anyone could identify them.
  10. The suspicious person was observed skulking behind parked cars, raising concerns among onlookers.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Sneak: menyelinap
  • Creep: merayap
  • Lurk: bersembunyi
  • Prowl: berkeliaran
  • Slink: menyelinap
  • Hide: bersembunyi
  • Stalk: memburu secara diam-diam
  • Shadow: melibatkan bayangan
  • Conceal oneself: menyembunyikan diri
  • Move stealthily: bergerak diam-diam

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Walk openly: berjalan terbuka
  • Move boldly: bergerak dengan berani
  • Show oneself: menampakkan diri
  • Reveal oneself: menampakkan diri
  • March openly: berjalan terbuka
  • Approach openly: mendekati terbuka
  • Be visible: terlihat
  • Be conspicuous: mencolok

Words Derived from It and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Skulker: penyelinap
  • Skulking: penyelipan

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Stealth: diam-diam
  • Covert: tersembunyi
  • Espionage: spionase
  • Surveillance: pengawasan
  • Infiltration: infiltrasi

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Skulk around: menyelinap di sekitar
  • Skulk away: menyelinap menjauh

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Skulk in the shadows: menyelinap di bayangan
  • Skulk behind: menyelinap di belakang

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Like a thief in the night: seperti pencuri di malam hari
  • Hide in plain sight: bersembunyi di tempat terbuka

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