
Slumbering describes the state of being in a deep or peaceful sleep, often suggesting a tranquil and restful repose. It can also be used metaphorically to describe something that is dormant or inactive, waiting to be awakened or brought to life. In the context of sleep, slumbering implies a serene and undisturbed rest.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The forest lay in quiet darkness, with creatures of the night slumbering beneath the moonlit canopy.
  2. The rhythmic sound of waves crashing on the shore lulled the seaside village into a peaceful slumbering state.
  3. The old town had an air of nostalgia, with its ancient buildings slumbering in the early morning mist.
  4. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the city began its transition into a slumbering metropolis.
  5. The baby’s soft breathing indicated she was peacefully slumbering in her crib.
  6. The village was enveloped in silence, with its residents soundly slumbering in their homes.
  7. The countryside embraced a sense of serenity, with the fields and meadows slumbering in the moonlight.
  8. The mountain range looked majestic in the dawn light, its peaks seemingly slumbering under a blanket of snow.
  9. The town square, once bustling with activity, now lay deserted and slumbering in the quiet night.
  10. The cozy cabin by the lake echoed with the sounds of a family slumbering after a day of outdoor adventures.


  • Sleeping: tidur
  • Dormant: tidur
  • Resting: beristirahat
  • Inactive: tidak aktif
  • Peaceful: tenang
  • Tranquil: damai
  • Unconscious: tak sadar
  • Calm: tenang
  • Reclining: berbaring
  • Comatose: koma


  • Awake: bangun
  • Active: aktif
  • Alert: waspada
  • Conscious: sadar
  • Lively: hidup
  • Vigilant: waspadalah
  • Animated: hidup
  • Dynamic: dinamis
  • Energetic: energik
  • Operating: beroperasi

Derived Words:

  • Slumbered: tidur
  • Slumberer: orang yang tidur
  • Slumberingness: keadaan tidur

Related Words:

  • Sleep: tidur
  • Dream: mimpi
  • Bedtime: waktu tidur
  • Nap: tidur siang
  • Snooze: dengkur
  • Snore: dengkur
  • Relax: bersantai
  • Repose: istirahat
  • Serenity: ketenangan
  • Midnight: tengah malam

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Slumber on: tidur terus
  • Slumber through: tidur sepanjang
  • Slumber away: tidur menjauh

Common Expressions:

  • In the slumber of peace: dalam tidur damai
  • Slumber party: pesta tidur
  • Slumber in silence: tidur dalam keheningan
  • Slumber in tranquility: tidur dalam ketenangan

Related Idioms:

  • Let sleeping dogs lie: biarkan anjing tidur
  • Sleep like a log: tidur seperti kayu
  • Sleep on it: pikirkan dengan tenang
  • Cat nap: tidur siang sebentar
  • Dream a little dream: mimpi sedikit
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