

The term solace refers to comfort, consolation, or relief from grief, distress, or disappointment. It represents a source of support or a soothing presence that provides emotional reassurance during challenging times.

Sample Sentences:

  1. In moments of sorrow, the warmth of a friend’s embrace offers profound solace.
  2. The serene landscape provided a sense of solace to those seeking refuge from the chaotic world.
  3. The heartfelt words of encouragement served as a beacon of solace for the grieving family.
  4. Music has the power to bring a sense of solace to those navigating difficult emotions.
  5. During times of uncertainty, the embrace of nature can offer a unique form of solace.
  6. The elderly couple found solace in each other’s company, sharing a lifetime of memories.
  7. A comforting book can provide a reader with a sense of solace and escape.
  8. The gentle rhythm of ocean waves often brings a sense of solace to troubled minds.
  9. The support group provided a space for individuals to find solace in shared experiences.
  10. The simple act of kindness can be a powerful source of solace for someone going through a tough period.


  • Comfort: kenyamanan
  • Consolation: penghiburan
  • Relief: kelegaan
  • Reassurance: jaminan
  • Support: dukungan
  • Soothing: menenangkan
  • Encouragement: dorongan
  • Compassion: belas kasihan
  • Sympathy: simpati
  • Ease: kemudahan


  • Distress: kesusahan
  • Grief: kesedihan
  • Agony: penderitaan
  • Suffering: penderitaan
  • Turmoil: kekacauan
  • Anguish: penderitaan
  • Pain: rasa sakit
  • Hardship: kesulitan
  • Discomfort: ketidaknyamanan
  • Affliction: penderitaan

Derived Words:

  • Solaceful: penuh penghiburan
  • Solaced: dihiburkan

Related Words:

  • Emotional support: dukungan emosional
  • Psychological comfort: kenyamanan psikologis
  • Compassionate care: perawatan yang penuh belas kasihan
  • Uplifting presence: kehadiran yang memberikan semangat

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Seek solace: mencari penghiburan
  • Find solace: menemukan penghiburan

Common Expressions:

  • Offer solace: memberikan penghiburan
  • Provide solace: memberikan penghiburan
  • Take solace in: mendapatkan penghiburan dari

Related Idioms:

  • A shoulder to lean on: seseorang yang dapat diandalkan
  • Light at the end of the tunnel: harapan di masa depan yang sulit
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