

A “sophomore” is a noun that commonly refers to a student in the second year of high school or college. The term can also be used more broadly to describe someone in their second year of any endeavor or activity. The word is derived from the Greek words “sophos,” meaning wise, and “moros,” meaning foolish, reflecting the transitional nature of the second-year experience.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The sophomore class organized a fundraiser to contribute to their senior-year activities.
  2. As a sophomore in college, she explored more specialized courses in her chosen major.
  3. Being a sophomore, he felt more confident navigating the campus and its resources.
  4. The sophomore team demonstrated impressive skills during the intercollegiate competition.
  5. Sophomores often face the challenge of choosing a major that aligns with their career goals.
  6. During sophomore year, students typically delve into more advanced coursework.
  7. The sophomore quarterback displayed exceptional talent on the football field.
  8. As a sophomore, she joined various clubs and organizations to enhance her college experience.
  9. The sophomore dormitory housed students who had formed close bonds during their first year.
  10. Being a sophomore provided her with a sense of familiarity and routine on campus.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Second-year student: Mahasiswa tahun kedua
  • Junior: Mahasiswa tahun ketiga
  • Second-year participant: Peserta tahun kedua
  • Underclassman: Mahasiswa tahun pertama atau kedua
  • Lowerclassman: Mahasiswa tahun pertama atau kedua
  • Second-year learner: Pembelajar tahun kedua
  • Next-level student: Mahasiswa tingkat selanjutnya
  • Freshman counterpart: Rekan mahasiswa tahun pertama
  • Continuer: Lanjutan
  • Second-stage student: Mahasiswa tahap kedua

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Freshman: Mahasiswa tahun pertama
  • Senior: Mahasiswa tahun terakhir
  • Graduating student: Mahasiswa lulus
  • First-year student: Mahasiswa tahun pertama
  • Novice: Pemula
  • Beginner: Pemula
  • Newcomer: Pendatang baru
  • Neophyte: Neofit
  • Rookie: Pemula
  • Initiate: Pemula

Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Sophomoric: Terlihat kurang matang
  • Sophomorehood: Status sebagai mahasiswa tahun kedua
  • Sophomore year: Tahun kedua kuliah
  • Sophomorically: Dengan gaya kurang matang

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • College: Kampus
  • University: Universitas
  • Academic: Akademis
  • Education: Pendidikan
  • Classmate: Teman sekelas

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Navigate sophomore year: Menavigasi tahun kedua kuliah
  • Join sophomore clubs: Bergabung dengan klub mahasiswa tahun kedua
  • Explore sophomore opportunities: Menjelajahi peluang di tahun kedua
  • Face sophomore challenges: Menghadapi tantangan tahun kedua
  • Choose sophomore major: Memilih jurusan di tahun kedua

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Sophomore experience: Pengalaman tahun kedua
  • Sophomore slump: Absen atau kemandekan pada tahun kedua
  • Sophomore success: Keberhasilan di tahun kedua
  • Sophomore jitters: Rasa gugup di tahun kedua
  • Sophomore orientation: Orientasi mahasiswa tahun kedua

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • To hit the sophomore slump: Mengalami kemunduran di tahun kedua
  • To overcome sophomore jitters: Mengatasi rasa gugup di tahun kedua
  • To embrace sophomore challenges: Menghadapi tantangan di tahun kedua
  • To thrive in sophomore year: Berkembang di tahun kedua
  • To navigate sophomore opportunities: Menjelajahi peluang di tahun kedua

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