
The verb spew refers to the act of forcefully ejecting or expelling something in a rapid and uncontrolled manner. It is often associated with the discharge of liquids, gases, or other substances with intensity.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The volcano began to spew molten lava, causing widespread panic.
  2. The malfunctioning pipe caused the sewage system to spew foul-smelling water into the street.
  3. The angry protester continued to spew criticisms at the government officials.
  4. The broken water main started to spew water, flooding the basement.
  5. The dragon in the fantasy novel would often spew fire during battles.
  6. The malfunctioning car engine began to spew smoke on the highway.
  7. The comedian would often spew jokes that had the audience in fits of laughter.
  8. The overflowing river began to spew debris downstream after the heavy rain.
  9. The factory’s smokestack continued to spew pollutants into the air.
  10. The malfunctioning spacecraft started to spew sparks during reentry.


  • Eject: memuntahkan
  • Emit: mengeluarkan
  • Discharge: melepas
  • Vomit: muntahkan
  • Expel: mengeluarkan
  • Gush: memancar
  • Pour forth: mengalirkan
  • Regurgitate: memuntahkan
  • Belch: meludah
  • Disgorge: memuntahkan


  • Absorb: menyerap
  • Inhale: menghirup
  • Swallow: menelan
  • Retain: menyimpan
  • Contain: mengandung
  • Hold in: menahan
  • Suck in: menyedot
  • Ingest: mengonsumsi
  • Keep in: menjaga tetap di dalam
  • Retain: menahan

Derived Words:

  • Spewer: pengeluar atau pembuang

Related Words:

  • Spewage: bahan yang dikeluarkan atau dikeluarkan dengan keras

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Spew out: memuntahkan

Common Expressions:

  • Spew forth: memuntahkan dengan keras
  • Spew venom: melontarkan kata-kata yang penuh kebencian

Related Idioms:

  • Blow one’s top: meledak atau marah dengan keras
  • Let off steam: melepaskan kekesalan atau tekanan
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