
“Squinting refers to the act of partially closing one’s eyes, typically to reduce the amount of light entering or to get a clearer view of something. It involves narrowing the eyes, often due to bright light, glare, or an effort to focus on an object. Squinting is a natural response to protect the eyes from excessive light or to enhance visual clarity in certain situations.”

Sample Sentences:

  1. I had to squint in the bright sunlight.
  2. She squinted at the small print to read it better.
  3. The intense glare from the snow made me squint involuntarily.
  4. He always squints when trying to see things in the distance.
  5. With a squint, he tried to make out the distant figure.
  6. The sun was so bright that I had to squint throughout the entire walk.
  7. As the photographer took the picture, we all had to squint against the camera flash.
  8. My eyes automatically squint when I’m faced with a sudden burst of light.
  9. People often squint when they are concentrating on a detailed task.
  10. She had to squint to see the tiny writing on the prescription bottle.


  • Narrowing: Mempersempit
  • Blinking: Berkedip
  • Frowning: Mengernyitkan
  • Grimacing: Mencibir
  • Peering: Mengecekik


  • Widening: Melebar
  • Opening: Membuka
  • Staring: Menatap
  • Gazing: Menatap lebar
  • Clear-eyed: Jernih mata

Derived Words:

  • Squinter: Orang yang sering memicingkan mata
  • Squintingly: Dengan memicingkan mata

Related Words:

  • Glare: Silau
  • Focus: Fokus
  • Blur: Kabur
  • Vision: Penglihatan
  • Strain: Tegang

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Squint at: Memicingkan mata pada
  • Squint down: Memicingkan mata ke bawah
  • Squint up: Memicingkan mata ke atas

Common Expressions:

  • Squint your eyes: Memicingkan mata Anda
  • Can’t see for squinting: Tidak bisa melihat karena memicingkan mata

Related Idioms:

  • Squint like a mole: Memicingkan mata seperti tikus tanah
  • Squint at a gnat and swallow a camel: Memicingkan mata pada seekor nyamuk, menelan unta.
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