“Stupidity” refers to a lack of intelligence, understanding, or common sense. It involves making poor decisions or demonstrating a notable lack of mental acuity. Stupidity can manifest in various forms, from simple errors in judgment to more complex failures in reasoning.
Sample Sentences:
- The sheer stupidity of his actions left everyone astonished.
- Engaging in such a risky venture was an act of pure stupidity.
- Her repeated mistakes were attributed to sheer stupidity rather than ignorance.
- The project failed due to the team’s collective stupidity in overlooking crucial details.
- Uttering offensive remarks in public only highlighted his apparent stupidity.
- The comedian humorously pointed out the stupidity of everyday situations.
- It takes a certain level of stupidity to ignore such clear warning signs.
- The plan’s lack of feasibility showcased the client’s financial stupidity.
- His decision to invest without researching was a prime example of financial stupidity.
- Mocking others for their ideas only reveals one’s intellectual stupidity.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Foolishness: Kebodohan
- Nonsense: Omong kosong
- Absurdity: Kebodohan
- Folly: Kebodohan
- Imbecility: Kebodohan
- Idiocy: Kebodohan
- Inanity: Kebodohan
- Irrationality: Ketidakrasionalan
- Folly: Kebebalan
- Ignorance: Kebodohan
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Intelligence: Kecerdasan
- Wisdom: Kebijaksanaan
- Cleverness: Kelicikan
- Acumen: Ketajaman pikiran
- Brilliance: Kebrilian
- Sagacity: Kebijaksanaan
- Insightfulness: Wawasan
- Prudence: Kewaspadaan
- Judiciousness: Kehati-hatian
- Sharpness: Ketajaman
Words Derived and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Stupid: Bodoh
- Stupidly: Dengan bodoh
- Stupidity: Kebodohan
- Stupidities: Kebodohan
- Stupidness: Kebodohan
- Stupidest: Yang paling bodoh
- Stupidly: Dengan bodoh
- Stupidize: Membodohkan
- Stupidity: Kebodohan
- Stupidly: Dengan bodoh
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Foolish: Bodoh
- Unwise: Tidak bijaksana
- Senseless: Tanpa makna
- Absurd: Absurd
- Ignorant: Tidak tahu
- Inane: Kebodohan
- Foolhardy: Keberanian bodoh
- Injudicious: Tidak bijaksana
- Unintelligent: Tidak cerdas
- Irrational: Irasional
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Act stupidly: Bertindak bodoh
- Behave stupidly: Berperilaku bodoh
- Speak stupidly: Berbicara dengan bodoh
- Think stupidly: Berpikir dengan bodoh
- Act in stupidity: Bertindak dalam kebodohan
- React stupidly: Bereaksi dengan bodoh
- Exhibit stupidity: Menunjukkan kebodohan
- Demonstrate stupidity: Mendemonstrasikan kebodohan
- Engage in stupidity: Terlibat dalam kebodohan
- React with stupidity: Bereaksi dengan bodoh
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Displaying a lack of intelligence: Menunjukkan kurangnya kecerdasan
- Making foolish choices: Membuat pilihan bodoh
- Showing a lack of common sense: Menunjukkan kurangnya akal sehat
- Acting without thinking: Bertindak tanpa berpikir
- Ignoring obvious facts: Mengabaikan fakta yang jelas
- Making a senseless decision: Mengambil keputusan yang tidak masuk akal
- Committing intellectual blunders: Melakukan kesalahan intelektual
- Behaving irrationally: Berperilaku secara irasional
- Demonstrating a lack of judgment: Menunjukkan kurangnya penilaian
- Engaging in foolish behavior: Terlibat dalam perilaku bodoh
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Throw caution to the wind: Melemparkan kehati-hatian ke angin
- A fool and his money are soon parted: Orang bodoh dan uangnya segera berpisah
- Can’t fix stupid: Tidak bisa memperbaiki orang bodoh
- Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me: Bo’ongi aku sekali, malu padamu; bo’ongi aku dua kali, malu padaku
- A fool at 40 is a fool forever: Orang bodoh pada usia 40 adalah orang bodoh selamanya
- You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear: Tidak bisa membuat dompet sutra dari telinga babi
- Foolish questions have foolish answers: Pertanyaan bodoh mendapat jawaban bodoh
- Fools rush in where angels fear to tread: Orang bodoh terburu-buru masuk ke tempat yang membuat malaikat takut
- Better a witty fool than a foolish wit: Lebih baik bodoh yang cerdik daripada orang bijak yang bodoh
- Stupid is as stupid does: Bodoh itu apa yang dilakukan oleh orang bodoh