A tendency refers to a natural inclination or predisposition towards a particular behavior, action, or direction. It implies a likelihood or propensity for certain patterns to manifest consistently.
Sample Sentences:
- The child’s tendency to explore every corner of the house kept the parents on their toes.
- His tendency to procrastinate often led to last-minute rushes to meet deadlines.
- The team captain noticed a recurrent tendency among players to underestimate their opponents.
- The student’s inherent tendency towards creativity flourished in the art class.
- She observed a consistent tendency for prices to rise during the holiday season.
- The politician’s rhetorical style had a tendency to appeal to the emotions of the audience.
- The manager recognized a positive tendency among team members to collaborate effectively.
- The athlete’s natural tendency for endurance made them excel in long-distance races.
- The dog’s instinctual tendency to protect its territory was evident in its behavior.
- The scientist studied the genetic tendency for certain medical conditions within families.
- Inclination: kecenderungan
- Propensity: kecenderungan
- Predisposition: kecenderungan
- Bias: keberpihakan
- Disposition: kecenderungan
- Leaning: kecenderungan
- Proclivity: kecenderungan
- Predilection: kecenderungan
- Bent: kecenderungan
- Trend: kecenderungan
- Resistance: perlawanan
- Disinclination: ketidakcenderungan
- Aversion: keengganan
- Repulsion: penolakan
- Detestation: kebencian
- Dislike: ketidakkesukaan
- Opposition: penentangan
- Hesitation: keragu-raguan
- Unwillingness: ketidaksetujuan
- Avoidance: penghindaran
Derived Words:
- Tend: cenderung
- Tendency: kecenderungan
Related Words:
- Trend: tren
- Incline: miring
- Orientation: orientasi
- Disposition: disposisi
- Proclination: proklamasi
Phrasal Verbs:
- Tend to: cenderung untuk
- Lean towards: condong ke arah
Common Expressions:
- Show a tendency: menunjukkan kecenderungan
- Follow a tendency: mengikuti kecenderungan
Related Idioms:
- Follow the crowd: mengikuti arus
- Swim with the tide: berenang searah arus