Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst rolling hills, there lived a mischievous young boy named Max. Max had a bottomless pit for a stomach and a reputation for eating someone out of house and home. His appetite seemed insatiable, and he could devour meals that would put grown men to shame.
One day, a traveling circus set up camp near the village, bringing with it a grand spectacle of acrobats, clowns, and performers. Max’s eyes widened with excitement as he watched the show, his eyes bigger than his stomach. He couldn’t resist the temptation to venture behind the scenes and explore.
As Max sneaked into the performers’ area, he stumbled upon a table laden with delectable treats. His sweet tooth tingled with delight as he saw an array of colorful candies and pastries. Unable to resist, he ate up everything in sight, licking his chops with glee.
Unbeknownst to Max, the circus performers had been watching his escapades. They were astounded by his ability to chew the scenery and devour everything in his path. The ringmaster, impressed by Max’s voracious appetite, decided to challenge him to a contest.
The ringmaster presented Max with a challenge – to swallow whole a gigantic cake specially prepared for the grand finale of the circus. Max’s eyes lit up with excitement, and he eagerly accepted the challenge.
As the spectators gathered, Max stood before the massive cake. With determination in his eyes, he took a deep breath and began to devour the cake, slice by slice. The crowd watched in awe as Max’s bottomless pit of a stomach seemed to stretch beyond belief.
In the end, to everyone’s astonishment, Max managed to finish the entire cake. The crowd erupted into applause, and the ringmaster declared him the champion of the circus feast. Max’s heart swelled with pride as he realized that his insatiable appetite had brought joy and entertainment to those around him.
From that day forward, Max’s reputation as the boy who could eat his heart out became legendary. He continued to delight and amaze with his ability to devour meals fit for giants. People from far and wide would come to witness his incredible feats of eating.
- Eat someone out of house and home: Makan habis semua makanan seseorang
- Have a bottomless pit: Memiliki perut yang tidak pernah kenyang
- Chew the scenery: Berlebihan/Overacting
- Eat like a bird: Makan sedikit
- The eyes are bigger than the stomach: Mata lebih besar dari perut
- Have a sweet tooth: Gemar makan makanan manis
- Eat up: Makan habis
- Swallow whole: Menelan utuh
- Eat your heart out: Merasa iri
- Lick your chops: Menjilat bibir (menunjukkan antusiasme atau kegembiraan terhadap makanan)