The Hammy Old Days

The Hammy Old Days

Actors depend upon their ability to gesticulate almost as much as upon speech to obtain their desired histrionic effects. With them, gesture serves much more than merely augment speech. When their communication is by gesture alone, it is called pantomime. In the early silent motion picture period, gestures were flamboyant. The hero would go through the most fatuous actions to show that he was distraught about the danger in which the heroine had been placed. He would stagger, beat his breast, tear his hair, and contort his face into the most doleful appearance. There weren’t many simple or restrained gestures in his repertoire. The heroine would fling her arms wide and ardently jump into her sweetheart’s arm to indicate her love. Only much later did the actor become skilled enough to communicate with the audience through discreet gestures and almost imperceptible changes in facial expression, which could transmit nuances of emotion.

Short Explanation:

  • Depend upon: Depend upon means to rely or count on something or someone. It implies that the outcome or success of a situation is contingent on a particular factor or person.
  • Gesticulate: Gesticulate means to use gestures or body movements to express or emphasize something while speaking. It involves using hand, arm, or body motions to convey meaning or add emphasis to communication.
  • Obtain: Obtain means to acquire, gain, or get hold of something through effort or action. It suggests successfully obtaining or attaining a particular object, information, or result.
  • Desired: Desired refers to something that is wanted, wished for, or aspired to. It signifies a state of longing or having a strong preference for a particular outcome, object, or condition.
  • Histrionic: Histrionic describes behavior or expressions that are overly dramatic, exaggerated, or theatrical. It implies a tendency to display exaggerated emotions or engage in attention-seeking behavior.
  • Gesture: Gesture refers to a movement or action made with the body, especially the hands or face, to convey a message or express a feeling. It involves using non-verbal communication to communicate or convey meaning.
  • Augment: Augment means to increase, enlarge, or enhance something in size, quantity, or intensity. It suggests adding to or expanding something to make it larger, stronger, or more significant.
  • Fatuous: Fatuous means silly, foolish, or lacking intelligence. It describes something or someone that is devoid of good sense or judgment.
  • Distraught: Distraught describes a state of extreme agitation, anxiety, or mental distress. It implies being deeply upset or emotionally overwhelmed.
  • Heroine: Heroine refers to a female protagonist or main character in a literary work, film, or story. It signifies a woman who exhibits courage, strength, or noble qualities.
  • Stagger: Stagger means to walk, move, or stand unsteadily or with a wobbling motion. It suggests a lack of balance or coordination, often due to weakness, dizziness, or intoxication.
  • Contort: Contort means to twist, bend, or distort something out of its normal shape or position. It involves twisting or deforming something in an unnatural or unusual way.
  • Doleful: Doleful describes a state of sadness, sorrow, or mournfulness. It suggests a feeling of deep unhappiness or grief.
  • Repertoire: Repertoire refers to a collection or range of skills, abilities, or performances that a person or group is capable of. It signifies a set of works or performances that are known and regularly performed.
  • Ardently: Ardently means passionately, eagerly, or with great enthusiasm. It implies doing something with strong desire, intensity, or fervor.
  • Discreet: Discreet means showing good judgment, tact, or prudence in one’s actions or speech. It suggests being careful, cautious, or subtle to avoid causing offense or drawing attention.
  • Imperceptible: Imperceptible means impossible or difficult to perceive, detect, or notice. It suggests something that is extremely subtle, faint, or indistinguishable to the senses.


Vocabulary Definitions

Depend upon
To depend upon means to rely on someone or something for support or help.

  • You can depend upon her to complete the project on time.
  • The community depends upon the local library for educational resources.
  • Many students depend upon scholarships to finance their education.

To gesticulate means to use gestures, especially dramatic ones, instead of speaking or to emphasize speech.

  • He tends to gesticulate animatedly when he is excited about a topic.
  • The speaker gesticulated wildly to engage the audience.
  • She gesticulated to indicate the direction of the new store.

To obtain means to acquire or secure something.

  • She was able to obtain the necessary permits for her business.
  • The team worked hard to obtain the funding required for the project.
  • He hopes to obtain a scholarship for his studies next year.

Desired refers to something that is wished for or longed for.

  • She achieved her desired outcome after months of hard work.
  • The product was in high demand and its desired features attracted many buyers.
  • He finally reached his desired weight after following a strict diet.

Histrionic describes a person who is overly theatrical or dramatic in behavior or speech.

  • Her histrionic reactions often drew attention to herself during meetings.
  • The actor was known for his histrionic performances on stage.
  • His histrionic storytelling style captivated the audience.

A gesture is a movement of the body, especially the hands, to express an idea or feeling.

  • He made a gesture of goodwill by offering his help.
  • The gesture of a wave can mean hello or goodbye.
  • She used a gesture to indicate that she was ready to leave.

To augment means to make something greater by adding to it; to increase.

  • They decided to augment their income by taking on part-time jobs.
  • The company plans to augment its workforce to meet growing demand.
  • Her skills were augmented by additional training and education.

Fatuous describes something that is silly and pointless; foolish.

  • His fatuous remarks during the meeting were not well received.
  • The fatuous decision to ignore the warnings led to serious consequences.
  • She found his fatuous behavior amusing yet frustrating.

Distraught means deeply upset and agitated; troubled.

  • She was distraught after hearing the news about her friend.
  • The distraught parents searched desperately for their missing child.
  • He felt distraught about the decision he had to make.

A heroine is a woman admired for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

  • The story’s heroine bravely faced numerous challenges.
  • Many young girls look up to her as a heroine for her activism.
  • The film featured a strong heroine who inspired others.

To stagger means to walk or move unsteadily as if about to fall.

  • He began to stagger after running the marathon.
  • The loud noise made her stagger back in surprise.
  • She tried not to stagger as she carried the heavy boxes.

To contort means to twist or bend out of the normal shape.

  • His face contorted in pain after he stubbed his toe.
  • The dancer was able to contort her body into incredible shapes.
  • She felt her stomach contort with anxiety before the speech.

Doleful describes something that expresses sorrow or mournfulness.

  • He had a doleful expression after hearing the bad news.
  • The song had a doleful melody that resonated with many listeners.
  • She gave a doleful sigh when she remembered her lost pet.

A repertoire is a collection of skills or types of behavior that a person or group regularly performs.

  • The musician’s repertoire included classical and contemporary pieces.
  • She expanded her repertoire to include various dance styles.
  • The actor had a wide repertoire of roles he could play.

Ardently means with intense passion or enthusiasm.

  • She ardently supported the cause, attending rallies and events.
  • He ardently expressed his love for music through his performances.
  • The team worked ardently to meet the project deadline.

Discreet means careful and circumspect in one’s speech or actions, especially to avoid causing offense or revealing confidential information.

  • She was discreet about the sensitive information shared in the meeting.
  • His discreet handling of the situation earned him respect.
  • They made discreet inquiries to avoid drawing attention.

Imperceptible describes something that is so slight or subtle that it cannot be perceived or noticed.

  • The changes in the painting were imperceptible to most viewers.
  • There was an imperceptible shift in her tone that suggested annoyance.
  • His imperceptible smile hinted at his approval without saying a word.

“The Hammy Old Days” is a phrase that often refers to a time period when over-the-top acting and exaggerated performances were popular in theater, film, and television. The phrase “hammy” itself describes an actor or performance that is overly theatrical and exaggerated. Here are ten sentences to help clarify the meaning of “The Hammy Old Days”:

  1. “The Hammy Old Days” often refers to a period of time from the late 1800s to the mid-1900s when theatrical performances were very dramatic.
  2. During “The Hammy Old Days,” actors were encouraged to exaggerate their performances to entertain audiences.
  3. Some of the most famous actors of “The Hammy Old Days” were known for their overly dramatic acting, including James Cagney and Bette Davis.
  4. In the film “The Hammy Old Days” were characterized by exaggerated facial expressions, loud voices, and grandiose gestures.
  5. “The Hammy Old Days” was a time when audiences appreciated over-the-top performances and saw them as a form of entertainment.
  6. “hammy” is often used to describe actors who overact or deliver overly dramatic performances.
  7. In modern times, “hammy” is still used to describe actors who overact or exaggerate their performances.
  8. Some people still enjoy “hammy” performances and find them entertaining, while others prefer more naturalistic acting styles.
  9. While “The Hammy Old Days” are generally considered a thing of the past, their influence can still be seen in modern film and theater.
  10. “The Hammy Old Days” are often remembered fondly by those who appreciate the nostalgia and charm of old-fashioned entertainment.

Here are some synonyms, antonyms, related words, phrasal verbs, and idioms associated with “The Hammy Old Days”:


  • Over-the-top = berlebihan atau terlalu dramatis
  • Exaggerated = dibesar-besarkan atau dilebih-lebihkan
  • Melodramatic = terlalu dramatis atau berlebihan
  • Theatrical = berlebihan atau seperti di atas panggung
  • Grandiose = megah atau mewah secara berlebihan


  • Subtle = halus atau tidak mencolok
  • Naturalistic = alami atau realistis
  • Understated = sederhana atau tidak berlebihan
  • Reserved = tertutup atau pendiam
  • Restrained = terkendali atau terbatas

Related words:

  • Acting = akting atau berakting
  • Performance = pertunjukan atau penampilan
  • Theater = teater atau panggung
  • Film = film atau bioskop
  • Entertainment = hiburan atau rekreasi

Phrasal verbs:

  • Ham it up = berlebihan dalam berakting atau memperlihatkan kelebihan
  • Chew the scenery = berlebihan dalam berakting atau memperlihatkan kelebihan
  • Overact = berlebihan dalam berakting atau memperlihatkan kelebihan
  • Play to the gallery = berlebihan dalam berakting atau memperlihatkan kelebihan
  • Milk it = berlebihan dalam berakting atau memperlihatkan kelebihan


  • Larger than life = lebih besar dari kehidupan atau luar biasa
  • Pull out all the stops = melakukan segala cara atau usaha untuk mencapai tujuan
  • Lay it on thick = berlebihan atau terlalu dramatis
  • Over the top = berlebihan atau terlalu dramatis
  • Camp = berlebihan atau terlalu dramatis
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