The Mists of Centuries

“The mists of centuries” is a poetic and evocative phrase that refers to the passage of time, particularly a long and distant past obscured by the fog of history. It conjures an image of ancient and mysterious times, often associated with historical events, civilizations, or knowledge that have become obscure or enigmatic over the course of centuries.

Sample Sentences:

  1. As we delve into the archives, the details of the ancient civilization emerge from the mists of centuries.
  2. Historians attempt to unravel the secrets hidden in the mists of centuries to understand the origins of human civilization.
  3. The ancient manuscript provided a glimpse into the lives of people long lost in the mists of centuries.
  4. Legends and myths often arise from events shrouded in the mists of centuries, captivating the imagination.
  5. Archaeologists carefully unearth artifacts, hoping to reveal the stories veiled by the mists of centuries.
  6. The crumbling ruins stood as silent witnesses to the mysteries concealed in the mists of centuries.
  7. Scholars dedicate their lives to deciphering ancient texts that have faded into the mists of centuries.
  8. The historical novel skillfully brings to life characters from the mists of centuries, weaving a tale of bygone eras.
  9. In the quietude of the ancient library, one could almost hear the echoes of voices lost in the mists of centuries.
  10. The philosopher contemplated the wisdom buried in the mists of centuries, seeking timeless truths.

Synonyms (Sinonim):

  • Ages past (Zaman yang lalu)
  • Time immemorial (Waktu yang tak terbatas)
  • Distant epochs (Zaman yang jauh)
  • Centuries gone by (Berabad-abad yang lalu)
  • Ancient eras (Era kuno)
  • Historical obscurity (Ketidakjelasan sejarah)
  • Remote ages (Zaman yang terpencil)
  • Long-gone times (Waktu yang telah berlalu)
  • Antiquity (Antikuitas)
  • Time long forgotten (Waktu yang terlupakan)

Antonyms (Antonim):

  • Contemporary times (Zaman kontemporer)
  • Present era (Era sekarang)
  • Modern age (Era modern)
  • Current times (Zaman sekarang)
  • Recent history (Sejarah terkini)
  • Now (Sekarang)
  • Present-day (Zaman sekarang)
  • Current era (Era sekarang)
  • Today (Hari ini)
  • Immediate past (Masa lalu yang baru saja)

Derived Words (Kata Turunan):

  • Misted (Terhalang kabut)
  • Misting (Kabut)

Related Words (Kata Terkait):

  • Ancient history (Sejarah kuno)
  • Forgotten knowledge (Pengetahuan yang terlupakan)
  • Time-worn (Tua karena waktu)
  • Archaic (Kuno)
  • Obscure past (Masa lalu yang gelap)

Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Kerja):

  • Fade into history (Menghilang ke dalam sejarah)
  • Vanish through time (Lenyap sepanjang waktu)

Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):

  • Lost in the mists of time (Hilang dalam kabut waktu)
  • Shrouded in the mists of history (Diselimuti kabut sejarah)

Related Idioms (Peribahasa Terkait):

  • “Like a whisper in the mists of centuries.” (Seperti bisikan dalam kabut zaman)
  • “Ghosts from the mists of centuries.” (Hantu dari kabut zaman)

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