The Mystery of Creativity

The Mystery of Creativity

In order to create, it is said that a man must be disgruntled. The creative individual is usually one who is dissatisfied with things as they are; he wants to bring something new into the world – to make it a different place. There is no infallible way to identify a potentially creative person. The speed-up in the sciences has forced schools and industry to seek a panacea for the shortages they face. The need to discover and develop the creative person has been the source of many studies. The paramount objectives of the studies are to eradicate anything that will impede the discovery of creative talent and to exploit this talent to the limit.

Short Explanation:

  • Disgruntled: Disgruntled refers to a feeling of discontent, dissatisfaction, or resentment. It describes someone who is unhappy or dissatisfied with a situation, often due to perceived unfairness or unmet expectations.
  • Infallible: Infallible means incapable of making mistakes or being wrong. It suggests a person or thing that is completely reliable, flawless, or without error.
  • Panacea: Panacea refers to a solution or remedy that is believed to cure or solve all problems or difficulties. It implies a universal remedy or cure-all for various issues.
  • Shortage: Shortage refers to a situation where there is an inadequate supply or insufficient amount of something, such as goods, resources, or personnel. It signifies a scarcity or lack of availability.
  • Paramount: Paramount means of the utmost importance or highest priority. It suggests that something is of supreme significance or primary concern.
  • Impede: Impede means to obstruct, hinder, or slow down the progress or movement of something or someone. It involves creating obstacles or barriers that interfere with the smooth flow or advancement of a process or activity.

Short Explanation in Indonesia

  • Disgruntled: Tidak puas, kecewa, tidak senang
  • Infallible: Tak salah, tidak bisa salah, pasti benar
  • Panacea: Obat mujarab, obat ajaib, obat penyembuh segala penyakit
  • Shortage: Kekurangan, kekurangan pasokan, kekurangan persediaan
  • Paramount: Utama, paling penting, yang terpenting
  • Impede: Menghambat, menghalangi, mengganggu.

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