Perhaps most of us never imagined that the political steps of the kid could suddenly go this far and this fast. It’s not just a step, it’s a political leap, which may be the farthest in the world. And also the most instant. More instant than instant itself. Even the most famous instant noodles could be left behind.
Even when the Constitutional Court knocked down those unethical rules, I still wasn’t sure if the kid would take advantage of the red carpet laid out by his uncle. But all those assumptions turned 180 degrees when Mbah Wowo declared him as his running mate. And so the kid made the farthest and most daring political leap.
Imagine, from a mayor who had only been in office for 2 years, the kid immediately jumped to become a vice presidential candidate. Skipping the stages of becoming a minister or governor like other candidates. And again, he’s not even 40 years old yet. Top markotop!
Thus, his privilege as the son of a village chief is perfectly clear. It would be impossible for something like this to happen if he weren’t the son of a village chief. So it’s quite vague when someone mentions that the kid is a representation of the younger generation (millennials or Gen Z). For you young people: Sorry..! Sorry..! Hehehe..
But every action and word has consequences. The consequence of running for a leader, especially at the national level, is that the candidate must be ready to be ‘stripped’. Both in terms of their vision and track record. Because the people have the full right to know the integrity and capacity of their leader candidates. Don’t mislead the people into buying a pig in a poke.
One common way to ‘strip’ leader candidates is by inviting them to public forums, debates, or discussions that can be attended by the wider community. The public has the right to test and debate the programs of their leader candidates in order to know and measure how logical those programs can be applied if elected.
So the candidate must be able to present or explain all of their visions and missions in public forums such as tests or debates. Of course, this includes answering questions related to all of that.
Well, it turns out that forums like tests, public debates, or discussions are what make the kid nervous, as nervous as a sour starfruit, according to netizens. Maybe he himself realizes that his experience and capacity have not reached the level to be able to debate like a vice presidential candidate. A sense of inferiority or insecurity seems to continue to haunt him.
As a result, even though he is invited, the kid often absents himself from such forums. Even a public test forum held by the second largest Islamic organization university in Indonesia, the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya, was once rejected by him because of his insecurity. Just imagining the professors at Muhammadiyah University might have made the kid break out in a cold sweat.
In some of the discussions he has participated in, he has also made some embarrassing blunders considering his status as a vice presidential candidate. Strangely enough, in one discussion, he asked the questioner to find a solution to their own question. And the most fatal mistake, how can a vice presidential candidate, refer to folic acid as sulfuric acid, and even worse, he made that mistake twice. The above facts further confirm the low credibility of a survey institution that once released a survey claiming that the kid’s level of intelligence is higher than the other two vice presidential candidates.
Maybe the kid can avoid public tests and debates. But he won’t be able to avoid the official KPU debate. And tonight he will face two other vice presidential candidates, Professor Mahmud MD and Cak Imin. Whether he likes it or not, he must attend. Especially since he has previously made excuses, saying that he only wants to attend the official KPU debate.
After all the blunders and excuses he has made so far, the question from the public and netizens is: what preparation will the kid bring tonight? Will it only be sulfuric acid and a reckless leap?
Love and greetings to NKRI.
Source: Lompatan Nekat Si Bocil ke Atas Panggung Debat hdgVvF8dIB (