Although the virtuosity of the workers is remarkable, the queen of bees is really the main story. Workers choose a few larvae to be queen, feeding them royal jelly, a substance rich in proteins and vitamins. While the queen is changing from a larva to a pupa, a team of workers builds a special cell for her. Soon the young queen hatches, eat the prepared honey and grow strong. After she kills any rivals who have the temerity to challenge her, an enormous note is injected. She flies from the hive and mates with one or more drones on her first flight. Then the process of egg laying begins. When her progeny saturates the hive, scouts are dispatched to find a new location, and the bee swarm after their leader to begin an amazing cycle again.
- Virtuosity: keahlian, kecakapan yang sangat baik
- Larvae: larva, tahap awal perkembangan serangga
- Feeding: makanan, pemberian makan
- Substance: zat, materi, bahan
- Pupa: pupa, tahap perkembangan serangga setelah menjadi larva
- Hatches: menetas, menetas dari telur
- Temerity: keberanian, keberanian yang berlebihan
- Enormous: sangat besar, luar biasa
- Note: catatan, perhatian
- Hive: sarang lebah, tempat lebah tinggal
- Mates: pasangan, mitra
- Progeny: keturunan, anak-anak
- Saturates: menyeluruh, melimpah
- Scouts: pengintai, orang yang melakukan pengintaian
- Dispatched: dikirim, diutus
- Swarm after their leader: berkumpul mengikuti pemimpin mereka