The Tempest Spills Out of the Teapot

The Tempest Spills Out of the Teapot

Once the newspaper got the story, the case of the longhairs became a cause célèbre. Ron and Len were interviewed, seen on TV, and regarded by their fellow students as heroes. “These are not delinquents or hoods,” one reporter wrote, “but clean-cut American boys who are being harassed by monolithic school system.” A caustic editorial referred to the school decision as arbitrary and inane. A false story even circulated about the boys being rock-n-roll performers whose indigent families needed their salaries. Finally, the Civil Liberties Union jumped into the fray with a court order stipulating that the principal be required to show cause why the boys should not be allowed to return to class.

  • Cause celebre: kasus yang terkenal, kasus yang menarik perhatian publik
  • Delinquents: remaja nakal, pelaku kejahatan
  • Hoods: preman, orang yang terlibat dalam kegiatan kriminal
  • Clean-cut American boys: remaja Amerika yang bersih dan rapi
  • Harassed: diintimidasi, diusik
  • Monolithic: monolitik, tunggal dan tidak berubah-ubah
  • Being harassed by monolithic school system: diintimidasi oleh sistem sekolah yang monolitik
  • Caustic: pedas, tajam
  • Arbitrary: sewenang-wenang, tanpa alasan yang jelas
  • Inane: bodoh, tidak penting
  • Indigent: miskin, tidak mampu
  • Salary: gaji, upah
  • Jumped into the fray: terjun ke dalam pertarungan
  • A court order: perintah pengadilan
  • Stipulating: menetapkan, memperjelas
  • Principal: kepala sekolah, pimpinan sekolah

The case of the “longhairs” caused a media frenzy once the newspaper got a hold of the story. Ron and Len, the two students at the center of the controversy, became the talk of the town and were seen as heroes by their peers. Despite being labeled as “delinquents” or “hoods” by some, reporters praised the boys as “clean-cut American” students who were being unfairly targeted by a rigid school system.

  • Frenzy: kegilaan, kegembiraan yang berlebihan
  • Delinquents: remaja nakal, pelaku kejahatan
  • Hoods: preman, orang yang terlibat dalam kegiatan kriminal
  • Clean-cut: rapi, bersih dan terawat

Editorials criticized the school’s decision as arbitrary and nonsensical, with one editorial even going as far as calling it “inane.” Rumors started to spread, claiming that the two were rock-n-roll performers whose families relied on their salaries.

Finally, the Civil Liberties Union stepped in and took action, issuing a court order that required the school principal to justify why the boys should not be allowed to return to class. With the support of the media and the legal system, Ron and Len’s story became a cause célèbre, highlighting the importance of individual rights and freedom in society.

  • Inane: bodoh, tidak penting
  • Rely on: mengandalkan, bergantung pada
  • Stepped in: turun tangan, ikut campur
  • Took action: mengambil tindakan, bertindak
  • Issuing a court order: mengeluarkan perintah pengadilan
  • Cause celebre: kasus yang terkenal, kasus yang menarik perhatian publik

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