The Weather

The Weather

Common Expressions

  • He’s a fair-weather friend: Dia adalah teman yang hanya muncul saat situasinya menyenangkan.
  • A sunshine of flower: Seperti sinar matahari yang menerangi bunga, seseorang yang memberikan kebahagiaan dan keceriaan pada orang lain.
  • Won’t last half an hour: Tidak akan bertahan setengah jam, digunakan untuk menggambarkan sesuatu yang tidak akan bertahan lama.
  • Rain before seven, fair by eleven: Hujan sebelum pukul tujuh, cerah pada pukul sebelas, ungkapan ini mengindikasikan bahwa jika hujan turun sebelum pukul tujuh pagi, maka cuaca akan cerah pada pukul sebelas pagi.
  • Fair by eleven: Cerah pada pukul sebelas, ungkapan ini mengindikasikan bahwa cuaca akan cerah pada pukul sebelas pagi.

Words in Use

Fair Weather Friends

Samantha had always been a loyal friend to everyone she knew. She was always there for her friends, no matter what. However, she had one friend who was a fair-weather friend. His name was Jack, and he only seemed to be around when things were going well.

Whenever Samantha was going through a tough time, Jack was nowhere to be found. He was like a sunshine of flower, beautiful and bright, but only when the weather was good. Samantha knew that Jack wouldn’t last half an hour in a difficult situation.

One day, Samantha and Jack had planned to go on a hike. They had checked the weather forecast, and it had said that it would be fair by eleven. However, when they woke up, it was raining heavily. Samantha was disappointed, but she decided to go ahead with the hike anyway.

As they were getting ready, Samantha remembered an old saying, “Rain before seven, fair by eleven.” She told Jack about it, and he laughed, saying that it was just an old wives’ tale. However, Samantha had a feeling that the weather would clear up soon.

They set out on the hike, and sure enough, the rain stopped after a few minutes. The sun came out, and the sky was blue. Samantha was happy that they had decided to go ahead with the hike, despite the bad weather.

As they walked, Samantha realized that Jack was actually a good friend, but he just didn’t know how to handle difficult situations. She decided to talk to him about it, and they had a heart-to-heart conversation. Jack apologized for not being there for Samantha when she needed him, and he promised to be a better friend in the future.

From that day on, Jack was a true friend to Samantha. He was there for her through thick and thin, and he never let her down. Samantha was grateful for the rain before seven, which had brought out the fair weather in Jack.

Vocabulary of Weather

A Week of Fair Weather

It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the weather was mild. The temperature was warm enough to enjoy the outdoors, but not too hot to be uncomfortable. It was fair weather, and everyone was out and about, enjoying the day.

As the day went on, the temperature started to cool down, and a gentle breeze picked up. It was a perfect day for a walk in the park or a picnic with friends. The cool breeze made it comfortable to be outside, and the sun was still shining bright.

As the evening approached, the wind started to pick up, and the sky became cloudy. It looked like it might rain, but it was hard to tell. The air was getting more humid, and it felt like a storm was brewing.

Sure enough, as the night fell, the rain started to pour down. It was a heavy rain, and the streets quickly became wet and slippery. The rain continued throughout the night, and the air became foggy and misty.

The next morning, the rain had stopped, but the air was still damp and humid. It was a bit chilly outside, and the ground was still wet. It was a good day to stay indoors and enjoy a warm cup of tea.

As the day went on, the sun came out again, and the temperature started to rise. It was getting hot outside, and the air was dry. It was a good day to go swimming or to the beach.

As the sun started to set, the wind picked up again, and the air became cooler. It was a perfect evening for a bonfire or a barbecue. The weather was fair, and everyone was enjoying the outdoors.

In the end, it was a great week, with a mix of sunny, mild, warm, cool, hot, cold, windy, rainy, wet, humid, dry, and foggy weather. Everyone enjoyed the variety of weather, and it made for a memorable week.

Adverbs of Frequency

  • Always: Selalu
  • Generally: Umumnya
  • Usually: Biasanya
  • Often: Sering
  • Frequently: Kerap
  • Sometimes: Kadang-kadang
  • Occasionally: Sesekali
  • Seldom: Jarang
  • Rarely: Jarang sekali
  • Hardly ever: Hampir tidak pernah
  • Never: Tidak pernah

The Adventures of Curious Hearts: Embracing the Unknown

Once upon a time, in a quaint little town nestled among rolling hills, there lived a group of friends who were always up for an adventure. They were known for their love of exploration and their insatiable curiosity. Generally, they would gather at the local cafe, sipping on steaming cups of coffee and planning their next escapade.

Usually, their adventures led them to hidden caves, mysterious forests, and breathtaking mountaintops. Often, they would encounter fascinating creatures and stumble upon ancient artifacts that held secrets of the past. Their hearts were filled with excitement and wonder as they embarked on these thrilling journeys.

Frequently, they would find themselves in sticky situations that required quick thinking and teamwork. Sometimes, they would face treacherous paths and daunting challenges, but their unwavering determination always carried them through. Occasionally, they would come across fellow travelers who joined them on their quests, adding new perspectives and stories to their shared experiences.

Seldom did they encounter dull moments, as their lives were filled with endless possibilities and extraordinary encounters. Rarely did they shy away from the unknown, for they believed that the greatest adventures lay just beyond their comfort zones. Hardly ever did they let fear hold them back, as they embraced the thrill of the unknown and the joy of discovery.

And yet, amidst all their adventures, there was one thing they never forgot: the importance of cherishing the present moment. They understood that life was a collection of fleeting moments, and they made it a point to savor every experience, knowing that it would become a cherished memory.

Never did they take their friendships for granted, for they knew that the bond they shared was a treasure to be cherished. They celebrated each other’s successes, comforted each other in times of need, and laughed together until their sides ached.

And so, their story continued, with the friends always seeking new horizons, exploring the world with open hearts and curious minds. Their lives were a testament to the beauty of embracing the unknown, and the joy that comes from living life to the fullest.

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