“Transient” is an adjective that describes something or someone passing through or existing for only a short time. It denotes a temporary or fleeting nature, emphasizing impermanence or a brief duration.
Sample Sentences:
- The beauty of a sunset is transient, lasting only for a brief moment before darkness falls.
- In the city, the population includes a significant number of transient workers who stay temporarily for specific projects.
- Clouds in the sky are transient, constantly changing shape and position.
- The joy she felt was transient, quickly overshadowed by unexpected news.
- The riverbank was adorned with transient wildflowers that bloomed only during the spring.
- His transient presence in the town left a lasting impression on the community.
- Transient emotions, like fleeting clouds, often give way to more enduring feelings.
- The hotel accommodates transient guests who stay for short periods while traveling.
- Transient trends in fashion come and go, reflecting the dynamic nature of style.
- The transient nature of youth is often a theme in literature, highlighting the passing of time.
- Temporary: Sementara
- Fleeting: Cepat berlalu
- Ephemeral: Fana
- Momentary: Sesaat
- Short-lived: Singkat
- Evanescent: Hilang dengan cepat
- Passing: Lalu
- Impermanent: Tidak permanen
- Brief: Singkat
- Fugitive: Pelarian
- Permanent: Permanen
- Enduring: Abadi
- Lasting: Tahan lama
- Persistent: Bertahan
- Permanent: Tetap
- Everlasting: Abadi
- Continuous: Terus-menerus
- Eternal: Kekal
- Prolonged: Lama
- Sustained: Berkelanjutan
Derived Words:
- Transience: Sifat sementara
- Transiency: Sifat sementara
- Transiently: Secara sementara
- Transientness: Sifat sementara
- Transientize: Menjadikan sementara
- Nontransient: Tidak sementara
- Transientize: Menjadikan sementara
- Transientize: Menjadikan sementara
- Transientize: Menjadikan sementara
- Transientized: Telah menjadi sementara
Related Words:
- Passing through: Melewati
- Evolving: Berkembang
- Changing: Berubah
- Moment: Saat
- Interval: Interval
- Interim: Sementara
- Temporal: Temporal
- Perishable: Mudah rusak
- Short-term: Jangka pendek
- Temporary state: Keadaan sementara
Phrasal Verbs:
- Pass through: Melewati
- Move on: Melanjutkan
- Fade away: Memudar
- Come and go: Datang dan pergi
- Slip away: Hilang
- Pass by: Lewat
- Go by: Berlalu
- Slide away: Hilang
- Change quickly: Berubah dengan cepat
- Move through: Bergerak melalui
Common Expressions:
- Transient nature: Sifat sementara
- Transient experience: Pengalaman sementara
- Transient beauty: Kecantikan sementara
- Transient joy: Kegembiraan sementara
- Transient moment: Saat sementara
- Transient state: Keadaan sementara
- Transient emotions: Emosi sementara
- Transient feelings: Perasaan sementara
- Transient presence: Kehadiran sementara
- Transient stay: Menginap sementara
Related Idioms:
- “Like ships passing in the night”: Seperti kapal yang lewat di malam hari
- “Here today, gone tomorrow”: Ada hari ini, hilang besok
- “A fleeting moment”: Saat yang singkat
- “In the blink of an eye”: Dalam sekejap mata
- “Momentary lapse of reason”: Kesalahan sesaat akibat kurangnya akal sehat
- “A passing fancy”: Keinginan sesaat
- “A short-lived experience”: Pengalaman yang singkat
- “A temporary setback”: Rintangan sementara
- “A brief encounter”: Pertemuan singkat
- “A transient phase”: Fase sementara