“Tug of war” is a competitive game where two teams pull opposite ends of a rope in an attempt to gain control and pull the other team across a designated line or marker. The objective is to exert more force and strategy than the opposing team, resulting in a victory for the team that successfully pulls the other side.
Sample Sentences:
- The school organized a tug of war competition during the sports day.
- The teams engaged in a fierce tug of war, each side determined to win.
- Tug of war is a classic game played at picnics and family gatherings.
- The tug of war match lasted for several intense minutes before a winner was declared.
- Children enjoyed the friendly rivalry of a tug of war at the playground.
- The annual company picnic featured a spirited tug of war among employees.
- Teams strategized and coordinated their efforts to excel in the tug of war.
- The neighborhood block party included a thrilling tug of war competition.
- Tug of war requires both strength and teamwork for success.
- The enthusiastic crowd cheered as the tug of war reached its climax.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Rope pulling: Tarik tambang
- Team pull: Tarik tim
- Tug war: Perang tarik
- Rope contest: Kontes tali
- Pulling game: Permainan tarik
- Contest of strength: Kontes kekuatan
- Team struggle: Perjuangan tim
- Rope duel: Duel tali
- Tug match: Pertandingan tarik
- Rope competition: Kompetisi tali
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Cooperation: Kerjasama
- Collaboration: Kolaborasi
- Teamwork: Kerja tim
- Unity: Persatuan
- Harmony: Harmoni
- Accord: Keselarasan
- Agreement: Kesepakatan
- Alliance: Aliansi
- Solidarity: Solidaritas
- Mutual support: Dukungan bersama
Words Derived from It and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Tugger: Peserta tarik tambang
- Tugging: Menarik
- Tug-of-war game: Permainan tarik tambang
- Tug-of-war event: Acara tarik tambang
- Tug-of-war champion: Juara tarik tambang
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Competition: Kompetisi
- Sportsmanship: Semangat olahraga
- Victory: Kemenangan
- Defeat: Kekalahan
- Struggle: Perjuangan
- Rivalry: Persaingan
- Strength: Kekuatan
- Team spirit: Semangat tim
- Challenge: Tantangan
- Adversary: Lawan
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Pull ahead: Menarik ke depan
- Pull across: Menarik melewati
- Pull back: Menarik mundur
- Pull forward: Menarik ke depan
- Pull together: Menarik bersama
- Pull apart: Menarik terpisah
- Pull in: Menarik masuk
- Pull out: Menarik keluar
- Pull up: Menarik ke atas
- Pull along: Menarik bersama
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Tug of war strategy: Strategi tarik tambang
- Tug of war tactics: Taktik tarik tambang
- Tug of war challenge: Tantangan tarik tambang
- Tug of war championship: Kejuaraan tarik tambang
- Tug of war rules: Aturan tarik tambang
- Tug of war victory: Kemenangan tarik tambang
- Tug of war tradition: Tradisi tarik tambang
- Tug of war event: Acara tarik tambang
- Tug of war competition: Kompetisi tarik tambang
- Tug of war technique: Teknik tarik tambang
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Tug at someone’s heartstrings: Menyentuh hati seseorang
- Tug on someone’s conscience: Menarik hati nurani seseorang
- Tug on someone’s sleeve: Menarik lengan seseorang
- Tug at someone’s emotions: Menarik emosi seseorang
- Tug at someone’s loyalty: Menarik loyalitas seseorang
- Tug at someone’s commitment: Menarik komitmen seseorang
- Tug at someone’s values: Menarik nilai-nilai seseorang
- Tug at someone’s principles: Menarik prinsip seseorang
- Tug at someone’s beliefs: Menarik keyakinan seseorang
- Tug at someone’s resolve: Menarik tekad seseorang