
Uneven refers to something that is not level, smooth, or regular in surface, structure, or consistency. It describes an imbalance, irregularity, or lack of uniformity in physical form, performance, or distribution. The term can apply to objects, landscapes, patterns, or abstract concepts like progress, skills, or emotions. Uneven often suggests imperfection, instability, or unpredictability, contrasting with smoothness, balance, and symmetry.

Ten Sentences Using “Uneven”

  1. The trail was uneven, making it difficult to hike without tripping.
  2. Her performance in the tournament was uneven, with impressive wins but unexpected losses.
  3. The carpenter fixed the uneven surface of the table to make it level.
  4. The paint on the wall looked uneven, with some areas darker than others.
  5. The path’s uneven stones were a challenge for cyclists.
  6. Their progress on the project was uneven, as they worked in bursts rather than consistently.
  7. The athlete struggled with his uneven pace during the marathon.
  8. The floorboards were uneven, creaking loudly with every step.
  9. His emotions were uneven, shifting rapidly between happiness and frustration.
  10. The distribution of resources across the regions was uneven, leading to complaints of unfairness.

Synonyms for “Uneven”

  • Irregular
  • Unbalanced
  • Asymmetrical
  • Jagged
  • Rough
  • Bumpy
  • Lopsided
  • Inconsistent
  • Patchy
  • Disproportionate

Antonyms for “Uneven”

  • Even
  • Smooth
  • Level
  • Balanced
  • Symmetrical
  • Uniform
  • Flat
  • Consistent
  • Equal
  • Regular

Phrasal Verbs for “Uneven”

  • Even out (to make something level, smooth, or balanced)
  • Smooth over (to resolve or conceal irregularities or issues)
  • Level off (to make something flat or consistent)
  • Iron out (to resolve uneven or rough issues in a situation or object)
  • Straighten up (to align or adjust something uneven into order)
  • Fix up (to repair something uneven or faulty)
  • Patch up (to temporarily correct irregularities or uneven areas)

Idiomatic Expressions for “Uneven”

  • On shaky ground: Referring to something unstable or uneven in reliability.
  • A rough patch: A period of uneven progress or difficulties.
  • Up and down: Describing inconsistency or irregularity, like uneven performance.
  • All over the place: Referring to disorganization or uneven distribution.
  • Out of balance: Something not symmetrical, level, or even.
  • Hit and miss: Describing an uneven or inconsistent outcome.
  • A bumpy ride: Referring to a situation that’s full of difficulties or uneven experiences.

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