
“Upskirt” refers to a form of voyeuristic photography or observation where an individual takes unauthorized, often intrusive, photographs or videos from beneath a person’s clothing, typically focusing on the area around the thighs, buttocks, or underwear. This behavior is a clear violation of privacy and is considered inappropriate, unethical, and, in many jurisdictions, illegal.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The suspect was caught attempting to take upskirt photos in a crowded subway station.
  2. The court imposed strict penalties for anyone found guilty of engaging in upskirting.
  3. Authorities are cracking down on upskirt offenses to protect individuals from privacy violations.
  4. A hidden camera was discovered in the fitting room, capturing upskirt footage of unsuspecting shoppers.
  5. Many countries have enacted laws specifically addressing the issue of upskirt photography.
  6. The celebrity filed a lawsuit against the paparazzo who attempted to take upskirt shots without consent.
  7. Some mobile phones are equipped with features to prevent unauthorized upskirt photography.
  8. Public awareness campaigns aim to educate individuals about the legal and ethical consequences of upskirting.
  9. A security guard intervened when he noticed someone attempting to engage in upskirt behavior at a public event.
  10. The rise of upskirting incidents has led to increased efforts to protect privacy in public spaces.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Voyeuristic photography: Fotografi voyeuristik
  • Invasive observation: Observasi invasif
  • Unauthorized filming: Perekaman tanpa izin
  • Covert filming: Perekaman tersembunyi
  • Intrusive photography: Fotografi intrusif
  • Privacy violation: Pelanggaran privasi
  • Unethical photography: Fotografi tidak etis
  • Illicit observation: Observasi ilegal
  • Non-consensual photography: Fotografi tanpa persetujuan
  • Inappropriate filming: Perekaman yang tidak pantas

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Consent-based photography: Fotografi berdasarkan persetujuan
  • Ethical observation: Observasi etis
  • Authorized filming: Perekaman dengan izin
  • Respectful photography: Fotografi yang menghormati
  • Legal observation: Observasi legal
  • Appropriate filming: Perekaman yang sesuai
  • Consensual photography: Fotografi berdasarkan persetujuan
  • Respectful observation: Observasi yang menghormati
  • Legal filming: Perekaman yang legal
  • Ethical photography: Fotografi etis

Words Derived from it and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Upskirting: Upskirting
  • Upskirted: Diambil gambar dari bawah

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Voyeurism: Voyeurisme
  • Privacy invasion: Pelanggaran privasi
  • Non-consensual photography: Fotografi tanpa persetujuan
  • Covert surveillance: Pengawasan tersembunyi
  • Intrusive behavior: Perilaku yang mengganggu

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Engage in upskirting: Terlibat dalam upskirting
  • Attempt upskirting: Mencoba upskirting
  • Prevent upskirting: Mencegah upskirting
  • Detect upskirting: Mendeteksi upskirting
  • Prosecute for upskirting: Menuntut atas upskirting

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Invasion of privacy: Pelanggaran privasi
  • Unauthorized filming: Perekaman tanpa izin
  • Non-consensual observation: Observasi tanpa persetujuan
  • Covert photography: Fotografi tersembunyi

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Cross the line: Menyeberangi batas
  • Overstep boundaries: Melanggar batasan
  • Break ethical boundaries: Melanggar batas etika
  • Invade personal space: Melanggar ruang pribadi
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