
Volunteer refers to an individual who willingly offers their time, skills, and services to support a particular cause or organization without any financial compensation.

To volunteer is to throw open the doors of your time and talents, stepping into a world beyond your own to lend a helping hand. It’s a selfless act, fueled by compassion and a desire to make a difference. Imagine a vibrant mosaic, each tile a volunteer, their diverse skills and passions coming together to paint a brighter picture for the community. Volunteers don’t wear capes, but their impact can be superheroic, from tutoring children to cleaning up beaches, from rescuing animals to organizing food drives. They are the unsung heroes, weaving threads of hope and progress into the fabric of society.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The young volunteers painted murals, bringing color and joy to the neighborhood. (Para relawan muda melukis mural, membawa warna dan kegembiraan ke lingkungan)
  2. She volunteered at the animal shelter, giving abandoned pets a second chance. (Dia relawan di tempat penampungan hewan, memberikan kesempatan kedua bagi hewan yang ditelantarkan)
  3. They volunteered their time to build houses for families in need. (Mereka menyumbangkan waktu mereka untuk membangun rumah bagi keluarga yang membutuhkan)
  4. He volunteered to translate documents, bridging the gap between cultures. (Dia relawan untuk menerjemahkan dokumen, menjembatani kesenjangan antarbudaya)
  5. The volunteer firefighters risked their lives to battle the blaze. (Para pemadam kebakaran relawan mempertaruhkan nyawa mereka untuk memadamkan api)
  6. After retiring, she volunteered at a local school, mentoring young students. (Setelah pensiun, dia relawan di sekolah setempat, menjadi mentor bagi siswa muda)
  7. We all have something to offer, so why not volunteer your skills and make a difference? (Kita semua memiliki sesuatu untuk ditawarkan, jadi mengapa tidak menjadi relawan dan membuat perbedaan?)
  8. Volunteering isn’t just about helping others, it’s also about personal growth and fulfillment. (Menjadi relawan bukan hanya tentang membantu orang lain, tetapi juga tentang pertumbuhan dan kepuasan pribadi)
  9. The community thrives on the dedication of its volunteers, their selfless acts weaving a stronger social fabric. (Komunitas berkembang pesat berkat dedikasi para relawan, tindakan tanpa pamrih mereka menenun jalinan sosial yang lebih kuat)
  10. Volunteerism is the heartbeat of a compassionate society, reminding us that we are all connected and responsible for each other. (Kerelawanan adalah detak jantung masyarakat yang penuh kasih, mengingatkan kita bahwa kita semua terhubung dan bertanggung jawab untuk satu sama lain)


  • Benefactor
  • Contributor
  • Supporter
  • Philanthropist
  • Pro bono worker
  • Unsalaried worker
  • Civic-minded individual
  • Social activist
  • Humanitarian
  • Advocate
  • Champion

The Champion of Change

In the heart of the bustling city, there lived a philanthropist named John. He was a benefactor to many, a contributor to society, and a supporter of those in need. John was a civic-minded individual who believed in the power of giving back to his community.

John was not just any philanthropist, he was a champion of change. He was a social activist who dedicated his life to making a difference in the world. He was a humanitarian who believed that every person deserved a chance to live a life of dignity and respect.

John was not a pro bono worker or an unsalaried worker because he believed that his work was priceless. He gave his time, his resources, and his heart to those in need. He was an advocate for the voiceless, a champion for the marginalized, and a beacon of hope for those who had lost their way.

John’s work was not easy. He faced many challenges along the way. He encountered resistance from those who did not share his vision. He faced criticism from those who did not understand his mission. But John never gave up. He remained steadfast in his commitment to making a difference in the world.

John’s work touched the lives of many. He built schools for children who had no access to education. He provided food and shelter for the homeless. He fought for the rights of the oppressed. He was a true champion of change.

John’s legacy lives on today. His work inspired others to follow in his footsteps. His vision of a better world became a reality because of his tireless efforts. John was not just a philanthropist, he was a hero. He was a champion of the human spirit, a supporter of the underdog, and a contributor to a better world.

In the end, John’s life was a testament to the power of one person to make a difference. He proved that a single individual can change the world. He showed us that we all have the power to be a champion of change, a philanthropist of the human spirit, and a supporter of those in need.


  • Helper
  • Do-gooder
  • Good Samaritan
  • Kind soul
  • Big-hearted person
  • Community champion
  • Changemaker
  • Grassroots advocate
  • Angel
  • Superhero (figuratively)

The Angel Among Us

In a world full of chaos and uncertainty, there was an angel among us. She was a helper to those in need, a do-gooder for the less fortunate, and a good Samaritan to those who had lost their way. She was a kind soul who believed in the power of love and compassion.

The angel’s name was Sarah. She was a big-hearted person who dedicated her life to helping others. She was a community champion who believed that change starts at the grassroots level. She was a changemaker who fought for justice and equality.

Sarah was not just an ordinary person, she was a grassroots advocate who believed in the power of the people. She worked tirelessly to empower those who had been marginalized and oppressed. She fought for the rights of the voiceless and the forgotten.

Sarah’s work was not easy. She faced many challenges along the way. She encountered resistance from those who did not share her vision. She faced criticism from those who did not understand her mission. But Sarah never gave up. She remained steadfast in her commitment to making a difference in the world.

Sarah’s work touched the lives of many. She provided food and shelter for the homeless. She built schools for children who had no access to education. She fought for the rights of the oppressed. She was a true superhero in every sense of the word.

Sarah’s legacy lives on today. Her work inspired others to follow in her footsteps. Her vision of a better world became a reality because of her tireless efforts. Sarah was not just an angel, she was a hero. She was a community champion of the human spirit, a helper of the underdog, and a figurative light in the darkness.

In the end, Sarah’s life was a testament to the power of one person to make a difference. She proved that a single individual can change the world. She showed us that we all have the power to be an angel among us, a good Samaritan of the human spirit, and a big-hearted person to those in need.

Specific roles:

  • Intern (for student volunteers)
  • Advocate (for those focused on a specific cause)
  • Mentor (for those guiding others)
  • Tutor (for those teaching specific skills)
  • Counselor (for those offering emotional support)
  • Organizer (for those coordinating events or resources)

The Power of Mentorship

As an intern at a local non-profit organization, Sarah was eager to make a difference in the world. She was passionate about social justice and wanted to become an advocate for those who had been marginalized and oppressed.

One day, Sarah met a mentor who would change her life forever. His name was John, and he was a seasoned counselor who had dedicated his life to helping others. John saw something special in Sarah and took her under his wing.

John became Sarah’s tutor and taught her everything he knew about advocacy and social justice. He showed her how to be an effective organizer and how to mobilize people to create change. He taught her how to be a voice for the voiceless and how to fight for the rights of the oppressed.

Under John’s guidance, Sarah became a powerful force for change. She organized rallies and protests, wrote articles and op-eds, and spoke out against injustice wherever she saw it. She became an advocate for the marginalized and the oppressed, and her voice was heard loud and clear.

But John’s mentorship was not just about teaching Sarah how to be an effective advocate. He also taught her about the power of compassion and empathy. He showed her how to be a good listener and how to be there for others in their time of need.

John’s mentorship had a profound impact on Sarah’s life. She went on to become a successful advocate and organizer, but she never forgot the lessons that John had taught her. She remained humble and compassionate, and she always remembered the power of mentorship.

In the end, Sarah’s story is a testament to the power of mentorship. John’s guidance and support helped her to become the person she was meant to be. His mentorship changed her life and helped her to make a difference in the world. And that is the true power of mentorship.

Antonyms for “Volunteer”:

Direct opposites:

  • Paid worker: Someone who receives compensation for their work.
  • Employee: Someone hired by a company or organization to perform specific duties.
  • Mercenary: Someone who acts for personal gain, often disregarding morals or ethics.
  • Freelancer: Someone who contracts their services for payment on a project-by-project basis.
  • Slacker: Someone who avoids work or responsibility.

The Cost of Integrity

As a paid worker at a prestigious law firm, Alex had always prided himself on his work ethic and dedication to his job. He was an employee who took his responsibilities seriously and always went above and beyond to ensure that his clients received the best possible representation.

But one day, Alex was faced with a difficult decision. His boss had asked him to take on a new client, a wealthy businessman who was known to be a mercenary and had a reputation for disregarding morals and ethics in his business dealings.

Alex knew that taking on this client would mean compromising his own values and principles. He was torn between his desire to do his job and his commitment to integrity.

In the end, Alex decided to turn down the client. He knew that he couldn’t in good conscience work for someone who acted solely for personal gain and had no regard for the consequences of his actions.

But Alex’s decision came at a cost. His boss was furious with him and accused him of being a freelancer who was only interested in working on projects that aligned with his personal beliefs. He was labeled a slacker and was ostracized by his colleagues.

Despite the backlash, Alex stood by his decision. He knew that his integrity was worth more than any job or paycheck. He continued to work hard and to represent his clients to the best of his ability, but he never compromised his values again.

In the end, Alex’s story is a reminder that sometimes doing the right thing comes at a cost. But the cost of integrity is nothing compared to the cost of compromising one’s values and principles. And that is a lesson that we can all learn from.

Related concepts:

  • Exploiter: Someone who takes advantage of others for their own benefit.
  • Self-serving: Acting primarily for one’s own interests, disregarding the needs of others.
  • Inert: Lacking in activity or interest; passive.
  • Apathetic: Lacking interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
  • Disengaged: Not actively involved or connected.

The Consequences of Selfishness

As the CEO of a large corporation, Mark was known for being an exploiter who took advantage of his employees for his own benefit. He was a self-serving leader who cared only about his own success and wealth, disregarding the needs of others.

Mark’s employees were tired of being treated like disposable assets. They were tired of working for a boss who was inert and lacked any interest in their well-being. They were tired of feeling apathetic and disengaged from their work.

One day, Mark’s employees decided that enough was enough. They organized a strike and demanded better treatment and fair compensation. They refused to work until their demands were met.

At first, Mark was dismissive of their demands. He saw them as nothing more than a nuisance and believed that he could easily replace them with new employees. But as the strike continued, Mark began to realize the consequences of his selfishness.

Without his employees, Mark’s company was unable to function. Orders went unfulfilled, deadlines were missed, and customers began to take their business elsewhere. Mark’s profits began to plummet, and he was forced to confront the reality of his actions.

In the end, Mark was forced to make a choice. He could either continue to be a selfish exploiter and lose everything, or he could change his ways and become a more compassionate and empathetic leader.

Mark chose the latter. He began to listen to his employees and to take their needs and concerns seriously. He implemented fair compensation and better working conditions, and he began to see the benefits of treating his employees with respect and dignity.

Mark’s story is a reminder that the consequences of selfishness can be severe. But it’s never too late to change and to become a better person. And that is a lesson that we can all learn from.


  • Couch potato: Someone who spends excessive time lounging and being unproductive.
  • Leecher: Someone who benefits from something without contributing anything.
  • Freeloader: Someone who enjoys the benefits of something without paying their share.

The Price of Laziness

As a couch potato, Tom spent most of his days lounging on his sofa, binge-watching TV shows and eating junk food. He had no motivation to do anything productive and was content to let life pass him by.

But Tom’s lazy lifestyle came at a cost. He was a leecher who benefited from the hard work of others without contributing anything himself. He was a freeloader who enjoyed the benefits of modern society without paying his fair share.

One day, Tom’s electricity was shut off. He had failed to pay his bills for months, and now he was left in the dark. He had no money, no job, and no prospects.

Tom realized that his laziness had caught up with him. He had been living off the grid for too long, and now he was paying the price. He had no one to blame but himself.

But Tom refused to give up. He knew that he had to make a change if he wanted to turn his life around. He started by getting a job, any job, just to make ends meet. He worked hard and saved his money, and eventually, he was able to pay off his debts and get his electricity turned back on.

Tom’s experience taught him a valuable lesson. He realized that being a couch potato, a leecher, and a freeloader was not a sustainable way to live. He had to take responsibility for his own life and work hard to achieve his goals.

In the end, Tom’s story is a reminder that the price of laziness is high. But with hard work and determination, anyone can overcome their obstacles and achieve success. And that is a lesson that we can all learn from.


  • The most appropriate antonym will depend on the specific context and meaning of “volunteer” being used.
  • “Volunteer” can also be contrasted with specific actions or behaviors, such as “refuse to help” or “take no responsibility.”

I hope this list is helpful!

Words Derived:

  • Volunteering
  • Volunteerism
  • Volunteer
  • Voluntary
  • Voluntarily
  • Voluntarism
  • Voluntarist
  • Voluntaristic
  • Voluntariness
  • Volunteerist
  • Volunteeristic
  • Volunteerize
  • Volunteerer
  • Volunteerhood
  • Volunteerless
  • Volunteerlessness

The Power of Volunteerism

Samantha had always been passionate about volunteering. She believed in the power of volunteerism to make a positive impact on the world. So, when she heard about a local organization that was looking for volunteers, she jumped at the chance to get involved.

Samantha loved the feeling of doing something voluntary for others. She enjoyed giving her time and energy to help those in need. She felt a sense of voluntarism that was hard to describe, but it made her feel fulfilled and happy.

As Samantha became more involved in the organization, she met other like-minded people who shared her passion for volunteerism. They called themselves voluntarists, and they believed that everyone had a responsibility to give back to their community.

Together, Samantha and the other voluntarists worked tirelessly to make a difference. They voluntarily gave their time and resources to help those in need. They believed in the power of voluntaristic action to create positive change in the world.

But not everyone shared their enthusiasm for volunteerism. Some people were volunteerless, and they didn’t see the value in giving back to their community. They were content to live their lives without ever volunteering their time or resources.

Samantha and the other voluntarists knew that they couldn’t force people to become volunteers. But they believed that by leading by example, they could inspire others to embrace the spirit of voluntariness.

In the end, Samantha’s story is a reminder of the power of volunteerism. By giving our time and resources voluntarily, we can make a positive impact on the world. And while some may choose to live a life of volunteerlessness, there will always be those who believe in the power of volunteerism to create a better world for all.

Related Words:

  • Community (Komunitas)
  • Service (Pelayanan)
  • Compassion (Belas kasih)
  • Altruism (Altruisme)
  • Philanthropy (Filantropi)

The Power of Community Service

Emily had always been passionate about giving back to her community. She believed in the power of community to create positive change in the world. So, when she heard about a local organization that was looking for volunteers to help with their service projects, she knew she had to get involved.

Emily loved the feeling of doing something selfless for others. She enjoyed giving her time and energy to help those in need. She felt a sense of compassion that was hard to describe, but it made her feel fulfilled and happy.

As Emily became more involved in the organization, she met other like-minded people who shared her passion for altruism. They believed that everyone had a responsibility to give back to their community, and they were committed to making a difference.

Together, Emily and the other philanthropists worked tirelessly to make a positive impact on their community. They volunteered their time and resources to help those in need, and they believed in the power of community service to create a better world for all.

But not everyone shared their enthusiasm for philanthropy. Some people were content to live their lives without ever giving back to their community. They didn’t see the value in altruism or the power of community service to create positive change.

Emily and the other philanthropists knew that they couldn’t force people to become more involved in their community. But they believed that by leading by example, they could inspire others to embrace the spirit of compassion and altruism.

In the end, Emily’s story is a reminder of the power of community service. By giving our time and resources to help others, we can make a positive impact on the world. And while some may choose to live a life without philanthropy, there will always be those who believe in the power of altruism to create a better world for all.

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Give back to the community (Membalas budi kepada masyarakat)
  • Lend a helping hand (Menulurkan tangan)
  • Make a difference (Membuat perbedaan)
  • Get involved (Terlibat)
  • Do your part (Melakukan bagianmu)

Common Expressions:

  • Dedicated volunteer (Relawan yang berdedikasi)
  • Skilled volunteer (Relawan yang terampil)
  • Volunteer program (Program relawan)
  • Volunteer week (Minggu relawan)
  • Make a positive impact (Membuat dampak positif)

The Ripple Effect of Giving Back

Samantha had always been taught to give back to the community. Her parents instilled in her the importance of lending a helping hand to those in need. So, when she moved to a new city for college, she knew she wanted to get involved and make a difference.

Samantha found a local organization that was dedicated to helping the homeless population in the city. She started volunteering her time at the shelter, serving meals and helping with cleanup. She quickly realized that her small actions were having a big impact on the people she was helping.

One day, Samantha met a man named Jack at the shelter. He had been homeless for years and had lost hope of ever turning his life around. But Samantha saw something in him that others didn’t. She encouraged him to come to the shelter every day and offered to help him find a job.

At first, Jack was hesitant. He had been let down so many times before that he didn’t believe anyone could really help him. But Samantha was persistent. She kept showing up at the shelter, offering him a kind word and a smile.

Slowly but surely, Jack started to believe in himself again. He started coming to the shelter every day, and Samantha helped him create a resume and apply for jobs. After a few weeks, Jack landed a job at a local restaurant.

The ripple effect of Samantha’s actions was incredible. Jack’s life had been transformed, and he was now able to do his part to give back to the community. He started volunteering at the shelter alongside Samantha, and together they helped countless others who were struggling.

Samantha’s small act of kindness had created a chain reaction of good deeds. Jack was now able to give back to the community in his own way, and others were inspired by his story to lend a helping hand to those in need.

In the end, Samantha’s story is a reminder that even the smallest actions can have a big impact. By getting involved and doing your part to help others, you can create a ripple effect of kindness and compassion that can change the world.

Related Idioms:

  • Pay it forward (Membalas kebaikan)
  • Be the change you want to see (Jadilah perubahan yang kamu inginkan)
  • Every little bit helps (Setiap sedikit bantuan berarti)
  • Together we can do anything (Bersama kita bisa melakukan apa saja)
  • Leave the world a better place (Tinggalkan dunia sebagai tempat yang lebih baik)

The Power of Paying it Forward

Sophie had always believed in the power of paying it forward. She knew that even the smallest act of kindness could have a big impact on someone’s life. So, when she saw a homeless man on the street, she knew she had to do something to help.

Sophie didn’t have much money, but she knew that every little bit helped. She went to the store and bought some food and water for the man. She also wrote him a note, encouraging him to keep going and reminding him that he was not alone.

The man was touched by Sophie’s kindness. He had been struggling for so long, and her small act of compassion gave him hope. He decided to be the change he wanted to see in the world and started volunteering at a local shelter.

As the man started to help others, he realized that together we can do anything. He met other volunteers who shared his passion for making the world a better place, and they worked tirelessly to help those in need.

The man’s story inspired others to pay it forward as well. People started leaving food and water for the homeless on the street, and others started volunteering at the shelter. The ripple effect of Sophie’s small act of kindness created a movement of compassion and generosity.

Years later, Sophie received a letter from the man she had helped. He had turned his life around and was now working as a counselor at the shelter. He thanked Sophie for her kindness and for inspiring him to leave the world a better place.

Sophie’s story is a reminder that even the smallest act of kindness can have a big impact. By paying it forward and being the change you want to see in the world, you can inspire others to do the same. And together, we can create a world that is more compassionate, more generous, and more loving.

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