Waste Time

The phrase waste time refers to using time inefficiently or doing something that doesn’t contribute to achieving a goal or completing a task. It implies engaging in activities that are unproductive, unimportant, or unnecessary, resulting in time lost that could have been better spent. Below are sentences and explanations highlighting the phrase waste time:

  • He spent the entire afternoon wasting time on social media instead of working on his project.
  • Don’t waste time trying to figure out all the details; just get started and adjust along the way.
  • The meeting was unproductive, and we felt like we were just wasting time with no clear agenda.
  • If you keep wasting time on trivial matters, you’ll never finish your assignments.
  • Stop wasting time on tasks that don’t bring any value to the team.
  • She regretted wasting time procrastinating and realized she could have completed the project much earlier.
  • They were wasting time arguing over small details when they should have focused on the bigger picture.
  • I feel like I’m wasting time at this job since I’m not being challenged enough.
  • Don’t waste time second-guessing yourself—just take action!
  • He tends to waste time watching TV instead of working on his goals.


  • Procrastinate
  • Fritter away time
  • Squander
  • Dawdle
  • Loaf
  • Idle
  • Linger
  • Drag one’s feet
  • Be unproductive
  • Piddle away


  • Be productive
  • Make use of time
  • Optimize time
  • Utilize time wisely
  • Get things done
  • Accomplish
  • Focus
  • Act quickly

Related Words:

  • Time management
  • Productivity
  • Inefficiency
  • Procrastination
  • Delay
  • Idleness
  • Inactivity
  • Laziness

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Put off: To delay or postpone something unnecessarily, leading to time wasted.
  • Mess around: To spend time idly or engage in activities that don’t contribute to a goal.
  • Dawdle away: To move slowly or delay actions, wasting time in the process.

Idiomatic Expressions:

  • Time flies: To feel that time passes very quickly, often due to being busy or distracted.
  • Spin one’s wheels: To work hard but achieve little, often because of inefficiency or time-wasting.
  • Burn daylight: To waste time during the day, often when there are better ways to use that time.
  • Waste away: To spend time in a way that leads to a loss of potential, often in a negative sense.

To waste time means to use time inefficiently or unproductively, often resulting in missed opportunities or uncompleted tasks. Whether through procrastination, distractions, or engaging in trivial activities, wasting time implies a failure to make the most of one’s time, which can lead to frustration and a lack of accomplishment.

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