To “waver” is to exhibit indecision, hesitation, or instability in one’s actions, thoughts, or beliefs. It signifies a lack of firmness or a tendency to vacillate, often suggesting uncertainty or a struggle to maintain a consistent course.
Sample Sentences:
- When faced with difficult choices, she tends to waver before making a decision.
- The leader did not waver in the face of criticism, standing firmly by their principles.
- In times of crisis, it is crucial not to waver in commitment to ethical values.
- The candidate’s resolve began to waver as the pressure of the campaign intensified.
- Despite the challenges, he refused to waver in his pursuit of the long-term goal.
- Wavering loyalty among team members can undermine group cohesion.
- The negotiator’s skill lies in persuading opponents to waver in their positions.
- As the storm approached, the tree began to waver in the strong wind.
- The company’s stock price may waver in response to market fluctuations.
- Wavering public opinion can influence the outcome of elections.
- Hesitate: ragu
- Vacillate: bimbang
- Fluctuate: berfluktuasi
- Falter: terhenti
- Dither: bimbang
- Teeter: goyah
- Sway: terayun
- Haver: ragu
- Oscillate: berayun
- Quiver: gemetar
- Decide: memutuskan
- Firm: teguh
- Steady: mantap
- Resolute: tetap
- Unwavering: teguh
- Stable: stabil
- Fixed: tetap
- Commit: berkomitmen
- Determine: menentukan
- Resolve: menyelesaikan
Derived Words:
- Waveringly: dengan ragu
- Waverer: orang yang ragu
Related Words:
- Indecision: kebingungan
- Hesitation: keragu-raguan
- Ambivalence: ambivalensi
- Uncertainty: ketidakpastian
Phrasal Verbs:
- Waver in decision: ragu dalam keputusan
- Teeter on the edge: terayun di tepi
- Hesitate over choices: bimbang dalam memilih
Common Expressions:
- On the fence: ragu
- Sitting on the fence: berada di antara dua pilihan
- Torn between choices: terjebak antara pilihan
Related Idioms:
- Blow hot and cold: berubah-ubah pendiriannya
- Sitting on the fence: duduk di pagar (tidak memihak)