Wither Away

The phrase wither away describes the gradual decline, deterioration, or shrinking of something, often resulting in a loss of vitality, strength, or existence. It is commonly used to depict the fading or weakening of entities over time.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The neglected garden began to wither away due to lack of water and care.
  2. Without proper attention, a relationship can slowly wither away.
  3. The abandoned building started to wither away as nature reclaimed its space.
  4. Over time, the enthusiasm for the project seemed to wither away.
  5. Neglecting physical exercise can cause muscles to wither away.
  6. The once-thriving business began to wither away as competition increased.
  7. Continuous exposure to harsh weather conditions caused the wooden fence to wither away.
  8. The old traditions seemed to wither away as modern practices took precedence.
  9. The dream of a better future should never be allowed to wither away with indifference.
  10. A lack of investment in education can cause a nation’s intellectual capital to wither away.


  • Fade away: memudar
  • Decline: merosot
  • Deteriorate: memburuk
  • Diminish: berkurang
  • Shrink: menyusut
  • Disintegrate: hancur
  • Wane: surut
  • Erode: tergerus
  • Dissolve: larut
  • Decay: membusuk


  • Flourish: berkembang
  • Thrive: berkembang
  • Prosper: berhasil
  • Grow: tumbuh
  • Strengthen: menguatkan
  • Expand: memperluas
  • Flourish: berkembang
  • Bloom: mekar
  • Thrive: berkembang
  • Develop: mengembangkan

Derived Words:

  • Withered: layu atau membusuk

Related Words:

  • Decay: pembusukan
  • Deterioration: kerusakan
  • Erosion: erosi
  • Waning: penurunan
  • Disintegration: disintegrasi

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Wither off: layu atau memudar
  • Wither down: merosot atau menyusut

Common Expressions:

  • Slowly wither away: perlahan-lahan menyusut atau memudar
  • Gradually wither: secara perlahan-lahan memudar atau menyusut

Related Idioms:

  • Fade into obscurity: menghilang ke dalam ketidakjelasan
  • A shadow of its former self: tidak lagi seperti dulu

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