The phrase wither away describes the gradual decline, deterioration, or shrinking of something, often resulting in a loss of vitality, strength, or existence. It is commonly used to depict the fading or weakening of entities over time.
Sample Sentences:
- The neglected garden began to wither away due to lack of water and care.
- Without proper attention, a relationship can slowly wither away.
- The abandoned building started to wither away as nature reclaimed its space.
- Over time, the enthusiasm for the project seemed to wither away.
- Neglecting physical exercise can cause muscles to wither away.
- The once-thriving business began to wither away as competition increased.
- Continuous exposure to harsh weather conditions caused the wooden fence to wither away.
- The old traditions seemed to wither away as modern practices took precedence.
- The dream of a better future should never be allowed to wither away with indifference.
- A lack of investment in education can cause a nation’s intellectual capital to wither away.
- Fade away: memudar
- Decline: merosot
- Deteriorate: memburuk
- Diminish: berkurang
- Shrink: menyusut
- Disintegrate: hancur
- Wane: surut
- Erode: tergerus
- Dissolve: larut
- Decay: membusuk
- Flourish: berkembang
- Thrive: berkembang
- Prosper: berhasil
- Grow: tumbuh
- Strengthen: menguatkan
- Expand: memperluas
- Flourish: berkembang
- Bloom: mekar
- Thrive: berkembang
- Develop: mengembangkan
Derived Words:
- Withered: layu atau membusuk
Related Words:
- Decay: pembusukan
- Deterioration: kerusakan
- Erosion: erosi
- Waning: penurunan
- Disintegration: disintegrasi
Phrasal Verbs:
- Wither off: layu atau memudar
- Wither down: merosot atau menyusut
Common Expressions:
- Slowly wither away: perlahan-lahan menyusut atau memudar
- Gradually wither: secara perlahan-lahan memudar atau menyusut
Related Idioms:
- Fade into obscurity: menghilang ke dalam ketidakjelasan
- A shadow of its former self: tidak lagi seperti dulu