

Alacrity refers to a quick and eager readiness or willingness to respond to a request or task. It describes an enthusiastic and prompt attitude, often accompanied by a sense of cheerfulness and efficiency. Someone who acts with alacrity is eager to take action and does so with energy and enthusiasm. In Indonesian, alacrity can be translated as “kesediaan” or “semangat.”

Some synonyms for alacrity include: eagerness, enthusiasm, readiness, willingness, zeal, promptness, liveliness, speed, excitement, and cheerfulness.

Example Sentences Using Alacrity:

  • She accepted the invitation with great alacrity and couldn’t wait to attend the event.
  • The team responded with alacrity to the urgent request for help.
  • He approached the new project with alacrity, excited to contribute his ideas.
  • The employees tackled the task with alacrity, completing it ahead of schedule.
  • The children got dressed with alacrity when they heard the ice cream truck outside.
  • I was surprised by his alacrity in volunteering to lead the meeting.
  • With alacrity, she agreed to help organize the charity event next week.
  • The students submitted their assignments with alacrity as the deadline approached.
  • He greeted the challenge with alacrity, eager to prove his abilities.
  • She completed the task with alacrity, showing great enthusiasm for the work.

Related Words:

  • Eagerness
  • Enthusiasm
  • Promptness
  • Zeal
  • Willingness
  • Readiness
  • Excitement
  • Liveliness
  • Energy
  • Cheerfulness

Phrasal Verbs Related to Alacrity:

  • Jump at (to eagerly accept or take advantage of an opportunity, much like acting with alacrity)
  • Go for (to eagerly pursue something, especially with enthusiasm or alacrity)
  • Leap at (to eagerly take action or respond with alacrity)
  • Dive into (to begin something enthusiastically, with a sense of alacrity)
  • Snap up (to quickly and eagerly take something, showing alacrity in the process)

Idiomatic Expressions Related to Alacrity:

  • On the ball (to be alert, quick to act, and show alacrity in a situation)
  • With bells on (to do something eagerly and with great enthusiasm, similar to acting with alacrity)
  • Ready, willing, and able (to be eager, prepared, and quick to act, like showing alacrity)
  • At the drop of a hat (to respond immediately, showing eagerness or alacrity)
  • In a heartbeat (to do something instantly and eagerly, similar to acting with alacrity)
  • With gusto (to do something with enthusiasm and energy, like showing alacrity)

Having alacrity is an admirable quality, especially in professional and social settings where responsiveness, enthusiasm, and energy are valued. It shows that you are not only willing to take on a task, but also excited and motivated to get it done quickly and efficiently. Whether it’s helping others, taking on challenges, or embracing opportunities, acting with alacrity leaves a positive impression.

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