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Welcome to our blog! Here, we’re here to help you expand your English vocabulary from beginner to advanced levels. We provide thousands of articles and stories designed specifically to help Indonesians learn English vocabulary more easily and enjoyably.

One of the most relaxed and natural ways to boost your English skills is by reading regularly. You’ll inevitably encounter new words whose meanings you don’t know. Go ahead and make a special note of those unfamiliar words. Next, don’t forget to frequently check your dictionary to learn their meanings and try to understand the text you’re reading. It’s also important to understand how to use those words in different sentences. If you can, try creating your own example sentences using the new words you’ve learned. While it sounds easy, putting it into practice can be challenging. Why? Because we need to see examples of how those words are used by native speakers. Like the example given

  • kutu buku dalam bahasa Indonesia, dalam bahasa Inggris disebut bookwarm (cacing buku), bukan booklouse
  • ibu rumah tangga dalam bahasa Indonesia, dalam bahasa inggris disebut housewife, bukan mother house stair
  • polisi tidur dalam bahasa Indonesia, dalam bahasa Inggris disebut speedbump, bukan sleeping police
  • telur mata sapi dalam bahasa Indonesia, dalam bahasa inggrisnya malah dikenal dengan istilah sunny side up egg, bukan ox eye egg
  • dan masih amat sangat banyak contoh-contoh yang lain

Let’s face it, we don’t exactly live in a world where English is spoken everywhere we turn. Indonesian culture is unique, and different from the cultures of Europe, Australia, and the US. Every nation has its own vibe, right? So, just throwing together a bunch of new words doesn’t always guarantee a sentence that sounds natural and correct.

That’s why I created this blog! My goal is to make your English vocabulary journey smoother. No more endless dictionary hunts! In each article, you’ll find a complete breakdown of each word, including its Indonesian meaning, example sentences, synonyms, antonyms, and more. I’m even planning to add audio recordings since not all browsers have immersive reader features yet. The content here is carefully curated from top-notch English language textbooks used in international education.

If you’re looking for learning tips, practical exercises, or inspiration for using new words, our blog is here to provide the information you need. Readers who spend 15 to 20 minutes daily reading our blog articles will see a dramatic improvement in their vocabulary. One indicator of how well you’ve mastered English is your ability to easily understand any English articles you read online, college textbooks, short stories, and novels. You’ll also be able to fully grasp the dialogue and stories in movies you watch on Netflix, YouTube, and other platforms. We hope you realize this goal soon! Happy reading!