

A gourmet is someone who possesses a sophisticated palate and refined taste for food. This term is often associated with individuals who have a deep appreciation for high-quality ingredients, intricate cooking techniques, and culinary excellence. A gourmet enjoys indulging in fine dining experiences, exploring new flavors, and savoring the complexities of gourmet cuisine. Here are …

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A gastronome is an individual who possesses a refined palate and deep appreciation for food and culinary arts. This term often connotes someone who not only enjoys eating but also has knowledge of various cuisines, ingredients, and cooking techniques. A gastronome is distinguished by their passion for exploring new flavors, seeking out fine dining experiences, …

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Lesson 6

The Last Stand of Station Sigma: A Tale of Loyalty and Sacrifice In the sprawling megacity of Nova Umbra, where towering gares scraped the smog-filled sky, whispers of unrest crackled through the grimy underbelly. The megacorporation, Axiom, ruled with an iron fist, coercing citizens into obedience with draconian measures and lax enforcement for the elite. …

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Spires refer to tall, slender, pointed structures or architectural elements that often crown buildings, towers, or other edifices. These vertical projections add aesthetic and symbolic value to structures, contributing to the skyline of cities and historical landmarks. The term is commonly associated with religious buildings, castles, and Gothic architecture, where spires serve as distinctive features. …

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Magic Screen – 001 Budi Budiman

Magic Screen – 001 Budi Budiman

A high school senior is sitting in his classroom, not paying attention to the math teacher’s explanation at the front of the class, and just staring at the girl sitting in front of him. He’s sitting in the back row of his class, and in front of him is the prettiest girl in the class. …

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The term “crunchy” is an adjective used to describe a texture that is crisp, hard, and makes a sound when bitten or crushed. In a broader sense, it is also used to characterize food that has a satisfying crispiness or a mixture of textures, often associated with freshness and a pleasing bite. Sample Sentences: Synonyms …

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“Passable” means something acceptable or adequate, but not exceptional. It suggests that something meets the minimum requirements or standards, but may not be remarkable or impressive. In the context of the story, it refers to the script of the play being decent or satisfactory, but not particularly remarkable or outstanding. Sample Sentences: Synonyms and Indonesian …

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AMIN, will FPI rise to victory?

AMIN, will FPI rise to victory?

The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) was once quite popular due to their actions. They conducted raids on alcohol vendors, raided shops that were open during the day in the month of Ramadan, and so on. FPI’s actions were considered disturbing to the public, as their actions should have been carried out by the authorities (police).” …

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The Reckless Jump of the Kid onto the Debate Stage

Perhaps most of us never imagined that the political steps of the kid could suddenly go this far and this fast. It’s not just a step, it’s a political leap, which may be the farthest in the world. And also the most instant. More instant than instant itself. Even the most famous instant noodles could …

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