
“Prospect” can be used as a noun to refer to the likelihood or possibility of future success, an opportunity, or a potential customer. It can also be used as a verb to mean the act of exploring or searching for something, especially in the context of potential opportunities or future events.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The young entrepreneur saw great prospects for his startup in the emerging tech market.
  2. As a job seeker, she was excited about the prospect of a promising career with the innovative company.
  3. The real estate agent presented the prospect of a beautiful home with a view of the ocean.
  4. Despite initial setbacks, the team remained optimistic about the prospect of winning the championship.
  5. The graduate student was thrilled at the prospect of conducting groundbreaking research in her field.
  6. Investors carefully evaluate the prospects of a company before deciding to fund its projects.
  7. The city’s development plan raised the prospect of increased economic growth and infrastructure improvement.
  8. The adventurous traveler was enticed by the prospect of exploring uncharted territories.
  9. The job interview went well, and she left with high hopes for a positive prospect.
  10. The politician outlined the prospect of policy changes that would benefit the community.


  • Possibility: Kemungkinan
  • Opportunity: Peluang
  • Potential: Potensi
  • Likelihood: Kemungkinan
  • Chance: Kesempatan
  • Outlook: Prospek
  • Forecast: Ramalan
  • Prediction: Prediksi
  • Promise: Janji
  • Anticipation: Antisipasi


  • Unlikelihood: Ketidakmungkinan
  • Improbability: Kemungkinan Kecil
  • Failure: Kegagalan
  • Setback: Rintangan
  • Obstacle: Hambatan

Derived Words:

  • Prospective: Prospektif
  • Prospector: Penambang
  • Prospection: Proses Penjajakan
  • Prospectorship: Kedudukan Penambang
  • Prospectiveness: Sifat Prospektif

Related Words:

  • Exploration: Eksplorasi
  • Search: Pencarian
  • Forecasting: Peramalan
  • Prediction: Prediksi
  • Expectation: Harapan

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Prospect for gold: Mencari emas
  • Prospect new clients: Mencari klien baru
  • Prospect opportunities: Mengeksplorasi peluang

Common Expressions:

  • Prospects look promising: Prospek terlihat menjanjikan
  • Bright prospects: Prospek cerah
  • Assess the prospects: Menilai prospek

Related Idioms:

  • The world is one’s oyster: Dunia ini adalah tempat yang penuh peluang
  • Golden opportunity: Kesempatan emas
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