
The term “benediction” is a noun that refers to a blessing, prayer, or invocation of divine favor, typically given at the end of a religious service or ceremony. It is a positive and often formal expression of good wishes, well-being, or protection bestowed upon individuals or a group of people. Benedictions are commonly used in various religious and spiritual traditions as a way to impart a sense of peace, comfort, and hope to the congregation or participants.

In Indonesian, the equivalent term for “benediction” is “berkat” or “doa restu.”

Sample sentences using “benediction”:

  1. The priest offered a heartfelt benediction, asking for God’s blessings on all present.
  2. After the wedding ceremony, the pastor gave a beautiful benediction to the newlyweds.
  3. The Imam concluded the Friday prayers with a benediction for peace and unity in the community.
  4. At the end of the graduation ceremony, the principal delivered a benediction, wishing success for the graduates’ future endeavors.
  5. The spiritual leader’s benediction brought comfort and solace to the grieving congregation.
  6. During the religious festival, the attendees received a benediction, expressing gratitude and hope for a prosperous year ahead.
  7. The elder offered a benediction to the travelers, seeking protection and guidance on their journey.
  8. In times of adversity, people sought the pastor’s benediction for strength and courage to face challenges.
  9. The children’s choir concluded the Christmas service with a joyful benediction of carols.
  10. The priest’s benediction touched the hearts of those in attendance, fostering a sense of unity and goodwill.


  • Blessing
  • Prayer
  • Invocation
  • Benedicite (an old-fashioned term for benediction)
  • Grace


  • Curse
  • Malediction (a curse or expression of ill-will)

Related words:

  • Benedictory (adjective) – referring to something that expresses a blessing or good wishes

Phrasal verbs:

  • Offer a benediction
  • Conclude with a benediction


  • Receive a benediction (referring to being blessed or receiving divine favor)

Conclusion: “Benediction” embodies the uplifting and heartfelt practice of invoking divine favor and blessings upon individuals or groups. Understanding the concept of benediction allows us to appreciate the significance of spiritual and communal rituals that impart a sense of peace, hope, and unity. Whether in religious services, ceremonies, or important life events, “benediction” brings comfort and encouragement to those seeking solace and divine guidance. As we encounter instances of benedictions, let us cherish these expressions of goodwill and embrace the sense of connection and spiritual support they bring to our lives.

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