
Exhaling, also known as expiration, is the process of breathing out or expelling air from the lungs. It is the opposite of inhaling, which is the process of breathing in or taking in air. Exhalation plays a crucial role in the respiratory system by removing carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular metabolism, from the body.

Sample sentences using the term “exhaling”:

  1. After taking a deep breath, she slowly exhaled, feeling a sense of calm wash over her.
  2. The yoga instructor guided the class to focus on their breathing, emphasizing the importance of exhaling fully.
  3. The exhausted runner hunched over, hands on knees, exhaling heavily after completing the race.
  4. The doctor instructed the patient to practice deep breathing exercises, emphasizing the importance of exhaling completely to promote relaxation.
  5. The singer held a long note and then exhaled slowly, showcasing her breath control and vocal technique.
  6. The scuba diver surfaced and exhaled through the regulator, releasing bubbles into the water.
  7. The meditation practitioner closed their eyes, taking a deep breath in and exhaling slowly to center their mind and body.
  8. The baby let out a contented sigh, exhaling softly as they drifted off to sleep.
  9. The breathing exercises helped the athlete recover faster, as they focused on inhaling deeply and exhaling fully to flush out lactic acid.
  10. The respiratory therapist taught the patient proper techniques for exhaling forcefully to help clear their airways and improve lung function.


  • Expel
  • Release
  • Blow out
  • Emit


  • Inhale
  • Breathe in

Related words:

  • Respiration
  • Breathing
  • Lungs

Phrasal verbs:

  • Exhale deeply
  • Exhale slowly


  • Let out a breath
  • Hold one’s breath and exhale

Conclusion: Exhaling is the process of breathing out or expelling air from the lungs. It is an essential part of the respiratory cycle and helps remove carbon dioxide from the body. Whether it’s practicing deep breathing techniques for relaxation, recovering from physical exertion, or maintaining proper respiratory function, understanding the significance of exhaling allows us to optimize our breathing patterns and promote overall well-being.

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